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Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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- 6 -<br />

hundred dollars a I!18.n 1Ja ~ l ooked upon e s no unusuaL occurrence . In the year<br />

185 6 , Fred erick Hl s cockt e cr ev in th~ br -Igentdne Foam, sha r ed tvc hurd r ed dollars<br />

pe r man , and Harry Andrews' c r -ew, in 'the same yea r, shared t wo hund r ed and fiftyfour<br />

do l l ars, 'Which I should sa y va s the best bi l l on recor d for one trip. In<br />

1871, Capt . Nicholas Hanr-aha n I B (Hr . Gra ce) cr e w sh ar ed over t wo hundred dollars ,<br />

ha ving l a nde d ne arly 11 , 000 seals, ( i n the brig Gl engar r y ) , which ha s never been<br />

beaten in a sailing vessel .<br />

I n the yea r<br />

1856, t he fam ou s Cap t . W":n. Knee I e cr ew sha r ed t vc hund r ed a nd<br />

fifty do l l ar s in the brigan tine Ice King . They received their money a t tho Bank ,<br />

all in si lver dollars, which they placed i n t heir caps, an d t he t hir ty- four of<br />

them r aise d a regular<br />

c ommot i on in St. J ohn 's a s t hey proceed e d do wn Water Str eet<br />

t o t heir ve ssel a t Br-ookdn g t s wharf, be r-eheede d , lmr,,l7,i ng their caps wel l filled<br />

\lith speci e . Cilpt . Knee t a ne xt ve s sel vas the St ella, in vhfch he was e I eo ver y<br />

su cc e ssfu l . He was also in t hf" st eamsh i p Ki t e t en Springs , and the s t ea mship<br />

Falcon five Springa .<br />

Capt, , Kne e va s one of our most succe s stu L a nd c cepet errt<br />

seal-ldll ers , an d po s sess ed a s Int ere st dnz a pers onality a s I<br />

hav e ever met.<br />

In the ~ar 1857, Capt. George Dyke sailed in t he br-Lgantdne Ba l elutha frOID<br />

Poo l e 1 8 I s l a nd , a nd Capt. SamueL Winsor flailed from We s l eyvil l e i n the br i gant i ne<br />

Har-y Ann" of 97 .t.oc e , H~ "i Qt. as f a r a s-the Funks , repairee" -:ta i lt0 0 0 t.h", ·17th: " ~=~<br />

Harch and br ought in a full l oad of s ea La , He then pur-chased the Oban and wa s very<br />

su cce s s ful.<br />

I ha ve mRde refe rence i n this ar-tdc I e t o the f lint an d steel being 8 "ne ce a e-,<br />

ary kdjunct to the fit-out of t he s ea l ers in the old days, and I may her e stat e<br />

that t he re are stil l 8 f ew of Lhem kept a s r elics among my e cquadrrtance ac - po'H shed<br />

up briehtly end occupydng a conspdc Ious p'la ce on t.he mante l - pi ece i n one or two<br />

hous e s in Conc eption £l illy . I can remember whe n t.he Luc i fe r metcb fir st made its<br />

a ppeara nce in Harbor Grace , or , at, 11'!8 st , th"l firr,t t.be t, ever- ea rn'" under Jl'IY noti ce .

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