Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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- 24 -<br />

to look on th., bright side of everything.<br />

The Cardbou Hill brush broke the monotony, bu t it was not all it was "cracked<br />

up" to be . \ole built five outposts up there and held them l I spent t\lenty_four<br />

hours 1n No.4, and had a very exciting time J ve vere holding it the night a f t e r<br />

I t s capture a nd John Turk a muse d himself hourly by playing his machine guns our<br />

10Iay a nd se nd f ng ove r l ittl e bombi ng gr-cupa , I n one of thos e " f'Lare ups" ve all<br />

hea r d t he whi z z of a bcab very close to our post, the next morning ve found it<br />

unexpl ode d and not three yards from the cent.ry ,<br />

- Ju st a f t e r davn C15dney, D.C or-t . car'Jied -out-intoNo ...M-.Il~ 18 Lil;ld-and en te re d - ~ -='i<br />

t he Turkish advan ced pced'tdona , securing valuab l e i nformation , thus gaining his<br />

dietinct ion .<br />

When the sun r OM<br />

lind r e st ored the circulation to our chilled a nd cr-amped<br />

forms the snipers st.ar-ted tMir activities and ve had<br />

to lie 10" and use the<br />

peri s cope.<br />

LeMe56ur ier spotted t hree of the enemy gaafng t.ovar-ds our lines, eo<br />

he picked the middl e chap lind pr-epar-ed him for Q Iuner-a L, The r emainin,.; two<br />

jumped out of sight i n l e s s than a second-jolly lucky for them.<br />

One "ily Ot.t sman<br />

bkazed at our mirrors for over an<br />

hour , but a big r ock in front r eceived the<br />

bullets, eenddng qu i t e a few spli nters dnt-o our post . No.2 had their periscope<br />

pierced t hree times. Dead bodies of GeI'J!l8n Officers lind Turkish soldiers 'Were<br />

scat.ter-ed in front of our line in this area, and with a change of wind<br />

the odor<br />

va s none too pleasant. "So near, yeb EO far" ; this little phrase has bee n<br />

muttered ~n,. a time by t he l ads do i ng sentry duty a t night , 'Who, tur ning their<br />

eyes t o t he South West, gaz e . l ongingly O1t the illUlllinlit~d hos pi tal s hape ly1n~ a t<br />

anchor- i n t he 8017_ It does eeke you f eel a bit vretcbed f;tandlng i n t .hoee rotten<br />

t .r-enche e wi t h a flo.at1ng pa Iace under your ·ve r y eyes .<br />

Ever y vounded man has a<br />

fa ce be Qm1 n~ \lit h p.le a sur-e becaus e he hQS a c kea r- knowledge of his de stdnatdon ,

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