Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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- 7 -<br />

up the Valley of the Exploit:'! beyond the last r e s i de nt At Uppe r Sa ndy Point. It<br />

vas t here ~ n the eeme condition vhe n Cabot sighted our shores nearly four centur i es<br />

ago-the home of t.he dee r , the beever , the a e r-t en , a nd the aborigina l Beothfc , I t<br />

is t rue 'We have l ong s i nce i mproved the lat tor off the fa ce of t he earth, but, un-,<br />

like our co nt i nen t a l nedghbora , 'We have not occupied hfs place. Another dusky<br />

de ni ze n of the f or-esbc-- t.be<br />

se!lli-ei vilh.ed Hicmllc from Cape Br eton- has usurped his<br />

birthright find still pursues, unt.r-aereeIed; the objects of the cha se over t he wide<br />

ex panse of territoryJ destined to be s ome day t he homea of thousands of human beings<br />

enga ge d in the more<br />

stepde occupation of agri cu l ture , l umbering a nd various manufectarr<br />

e s ,<br />

Geographi cal}<br />

Descriptions)<br />

etc. }<br />

In describi ng t he river prope r I ha ve thought it best to reverse<br />

the order by co:nroen cing with t he s ource or bee d-veters , a nd then<br />

tra ce it downwards t o i t s junction \li t h the bay at Upper Sandy Point .<br />

The River o~ Exploits i s by f a r the largest end most i mportan t of t he drainage<br />

systems of this gr eat i sland. The extent an d magnificen ce of its forests, fert_<br />

i lity of its soil , grandeu r of i t s sce ne r -y, end the histor i cal r ernini:-eence s CO:'Ul ­<br />

ect ed vith it, of the on ce- proud aborfirn !ll Beothfc, vho r-oe eed et viTI alon~ i t s<br />

vooden margins, or<br />

paddled his frail canoe up an d down its noble waters , place it<br />

before all others in th8 ~_ielaAd i A poi nt of intere-st. Hetaphor i ca l ly speaking , _ '" =;<br />

.,'; - -:- - . -~'-- -=:.._.". r, ~ . ~<br />

the river i t self may be lIkened to the aorta of t he hUlMft body, 'pr-oceedf eg a s it -<br />

ver-e from or through 'the hea r-t of t he country. Taking its r-Lse in the high bare<br />

tablelands of the s out her n coast r-enge , and at a comper-atdveLy shor t di ~~n ce from<br />

t he he ad of t he Day of LaPoile , I t f lows t hen ce in a gen eral course about N. E. by<br />

E . t o the sea , wher-e i t e mbogue s a t t he he ad of t he bea utiful Bay of Exploits, one<br />

of the deepest inde nt ations of Not r e Da me Bay. It ~ t.ct.aI length Ls nothing under<br />

200 mile s, a nd it drains an i mmen fl.e 8r~8 of t he ce nt ral i nterior , pr-cbeb ky not 'le as

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