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Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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ac r-ose the At.Lunt dc he would make t he passag e i n ten or e I ev e n da y s without the<br />

l os s of a r-at.Lfn , :,0 nht.ter on what ve s s el he went to the eeaI f'Lsher'y he was<br />

boun d to c ome in lo~_lOB ded.<br />

t~ o'W' for 8 case in po:int : There WS ft a fe110\1 named Gr i f fin-a long lanky fell ow,<br />

as crooked a s a cork-s cre\ol. To look a t him you vou.Id not think him capable of dr-ag g-,<br />

ing a herring off t .he fire. Ye t f or over thirty year~, no mat ter where he vent,<br />

su cce es vas su r e to f oll oW' hi m. Of cour-se , he spent the money as quickly a e he fDJ:l CPit.<br />

Upon on e occasion he shipped 'With Capt. Sam Gor don, in the br-Lgt , , Hinnie, a nd<br />

vas just ab out to put his box on board . "D•• • i f 1 111 go in her", sadd he, and off<br />

he ve nt. \lith his box . He sa w Hr . Nunn , the merchant, an d told him he was not goi ng<br />

in the Hi nnle .. IlYou illUs t" , sa id Hr . J.fUIl.'1.. "1 1 m blessed if I will , I WQnt to go<br />

in the Glengarry this Spring", s ai d t.he<br />

l a nky fellow; and Mr. Nunn who had a great<br />

liking for him humor-ed his whim .<br />

The brie Glenga r r y t hat ye ar (1 871) was commanded by Capt edn r;ich ol'ls Hanr a ha n ,<br />

and she arrived in Harbor Gr a ce \lith 11,0CK> seale, pr obab l y the i lil.rge :-t trip on<br />

record in a sailing ve aeeL , The crew shar ed eoout, two hundred and twenty dollars<br />

per ....an ; ..- T'he nex t -.yellr G.:;'ifr1a- ·.~nt. .in-..t.be- !.l.inn i~ , and re turn e~ \li t. b 7 ,200.<br />

I might go on enuaerating other instance s wherein t he lucky fellow sh oved up ,<br />

but I think t he above is amply suff ici en t .

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