Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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- 5 -<br />

After Drady and Naughton had been flhut a week or t ....o,<br />

some of their<br />

acquaintances got permission to Bend thel!l in peckegea of eveeteent.s, fruit, etc .<br />

. t<br />

Th1e continued for 8 r ea s onable time vithout arousing suspicion . On one occasion<br />

a very parti cular friend of JIIe.ughton drove up to the prison and ha nded<br />

t he varden<br />

a l ar ge cake for him , ....h1ch be (Naughton) duly received , bbe officer never dr-eaa-.<br />

log that i t<br />

contained B.' eet. of tools by the nid of ....hich the t wo prisoners ver-e t o<br />

effect their e scape.<br />

These too18 tbl3Y carefully oonceeIed, us1ne them vhe neve z- an opporttmity<br />

prosented i t self, t o cut through the vindov bar-e end f ree t hemse l ves onc e more .<br />

Watching their opportuni ty one fog{''y night , vhen the sentinel, vhc passed up and<br />

dovn 1n f ront of the buildin/!:, had reached the f s r t heat-a·...ay point froo the cell<br />

1n whic h they ver e confined ,<br />

they r-emoved the bare and Brady climbed out, dropped<br />

to t he ground and made off_Naughton ......Lted till the maD on guard paced his<br />

round, then be , too, attempted to get ll\1nYJ but oving t o scae el1gbt noise caused<br />

by his foot comi ng in contact \li t h one of t he Loosened ba r-s , t he sen tinel t urned<br />

""" eharply, c au ~ht sight of tho fugitive and fired ; v cunddng hl.'u- seve;elJ"" :til the";;;'·<br />

ritht Leg , He \Ja9 r e ca pt ured and taken back to pr-Leon , vber -e he r -eae dned till<br />

Brady, on effectlne his eecepe,<br />

scrambled, 8S best he could in tbedark, dcvn<br />

over the Hill to the wnte1"front, divertod himrtelf of hie boot s, noil'\~ly .....eded in,<br />

and ewam acr-ose the Narro....B.to the. South Side . Here he reeved t ill daylight. "hen<br />

h6 made hf s way to Blackhead , and told h1~ tltory to the peop le of the f i rst bouse<br />

he ent.er-ed , The y shaved off h1A vht eke r-e and moustache , cut h1~ bair, gave h1Jn n<br />

fiRhing nuit , boot-s and all, and did eVArythin~ they coul d t o conceal hiA identity.<br />

Nobody "gave him away" J and he eet.t.Led dovn , rMrried, and 50!I1e of his deacendant.s

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