Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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mA: - By One Who 'Wa s Thl!re-1917.<br />

No. 3A.J1.!llce Corporal John J . RY!!l~<br />

We have much pleasure in presenting-the ralloving graphic description from<br />

the pen<br />

of La . Corp.L, John J. Ryan or St. John t e , vho was one of the very first<br />

to answer- the call of arms 1n the cause of Liberty and Humanity, as 'Well as in<br />

defence of Ki ng and countr-y,<br />

Lance Corporal Ryan is one of 'those heroes made up<br />

of that stern stuff " whi ch seeks the bubble reputation even at the cannonIS<br />

mouth" , so beautifully described by the immortal Bard of Avon-William Shakespeare .<br />

In the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, familiarly known as the " B'Iue Puttees" ,<br />

Lance Corporal Ryan va s No . 33 of the First 500 , and a l t houg h he followed the<br />

fortunes of th~ Regiment for over tw-o years, one would never suppose that a youth<br />

of 17 years at: ag e would ha ve un dergone such terribl e expe r -fence s , an d at the (lame<br />

time treat them as if they wer e affairs of e ver yda y lif e. Brave be has proven him -<br />

s elf to be I<br />

her-ode he undoubted ly is, because his commanding officers quickly<br />

recognized these facts , i n proof of which he was promoted to t.he f i e l d of battle,<br />

performed.<br />

And yet. , 'When s pe a ki ng of t hos e historic event s, the most memorable i n<br />

the history of the world, i t i s only by using t he gr -eat .est; caution and t aking him<br />

off his gua r d that one<br />

i s enable d t o elicit from him a reference 't o himself, an d<br />

in t hat 'We admire his una aeumfng di spos i t i on and natural modesty, ' whj.ch are and<br />

have always be en , ch aracteri stic of a br-ave man a nd a Br-Ltd sh Soldier,<br />

which have<br />

been t he means of pl anting the f lag of Gr oa t<br />

nritain in every por t i on of the world<br />

a nd mai ntai ning i t there no mat ter vhat. e nemy may endeavor t o pull it down. Th i s<br />

i s only na tural, thi s l ove of danger- 00\1 advent ur-e i n our yo ung count r y men, ond<br />

he , vi t.h his. coar-ade s in t his t.er-r db.le Horld War , have only I'o'l Lovcd up the hi story<br />

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