Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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Office , but this 1s not good e nough for the hiEltorian of tbe future to do<br />

justice t o the glorious career of" our immortal Regiment . We require details,<br />

(<br />

and t o get at the facts ve must have them f rom those heroes who participated In<br />

the great st r ugg l e , who 'Jere f or t un ate e nou gh to survive and<br />

ful ly' q ualified to<br />

give their pers onal experience dur ing t he ca mped gn , and thus wi l l be pr eserved the<br />

meMory of the hundreds of our counta-ymen of the Roya l Ne wfoundland Re gi ment , vh o<br />

vere of ficially a cknovkedg ed by the Oommender'-dn-Cbdef", Sir Douglas Ralg to be<br />

IlBett er t han the Best " .<br />

-~~~ e:;-or por a l- ~y~~~ se rv ; s th;-th8nks~ ~f - hi~ ~ountr; -inhi; ende ;~o; t~<br />

perpet ua t e the glorious car eer<br />

of the Newfound land Regiment, a s 'We l l a s to de scr-Ibe<br />

their ver-rcus movements, their victories end reve r se s, the i ndividual brav ery and<br />

e scapes of his comrades in Egypt, Gaillpoli, Flanders, Pr-anc e an d eve ry other<br />

por tion of the sce ne of tolar i n whic h they took such a pror:dnent and historic a<br />

part. Ther e are sccre s of our heroes vho can do \.that Ience -Corpor-eI Ry&D i s no v<br />

doing, 'JI'iting up their experience s a nd recd ni s ce nce s connected \lith the glorious<br />

care er of t heir Regiment. Each one viII hav e eome'thfng to r e l ate that his<br />

c omrade s have e i t her f orgo tten or kncv not hi ng about, a nd if such a ccur-se i s<br />

pursued 'We shall have enough material, not alone to suppl y the hist orian of the<br />

future with suff icie nt faot s t o make ... very large c okume, but suffi cient t o run<br />

i nto mllny volumes, an d t hus tra nandt to post erity for all time a complete a nd<br />

r eliable a oc oun t of t he great deeds of the Ne wfoundland Regim ent, \lI"i t ten an d<br />

handed do w froo. proof indi~table by those vho ver-e ther e and t ook an a ctive pa r t<br />

in great battles in which the Nevfoun dIand Regiment eo distinguish ed itself as t o<br />

become the mos t t alke d of, t he most writun a bout an d the most highly honored<br />

Regiment in t he grea t Brit ish Army , and 'these statement s a r e fully borne out by<br />

t he i"act<br />

t hat His Majesty King George V baa be en pleased t o confer up on t he<br />

Regiment the title of "Royal" in rec ognit i on of their heroi c ser-v dce e ,

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