Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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l ong, but the only other- por t a ge is a ve ry short one a t t.be Bdehop! B Fa l l ( so<br />

name d after Bi shop I nelia of Nova Scotia , who visited i t I n compan y vlth Mr. J ohn .<br />

Peyton J . P.) or chute 10 milf'ls f rom the mout h of t he river .<br />

Her e sedn a r i dge of<br />

hard red Band -stone cr-c e se e t he channeL giving r i se t o a very r ough rapid vhfch<br />

end s in 8<br />

chute ...here the water i s discha rge d with tremendou s velocity through a<br />

net-r-ev pe seag e vay i n the rock va l l with a n incline of per ha ps 20 degrees, but t he re<br />

I s no actual fall or j ump . A sa d i nci dent occurred here 8 year ago In whi ch a poor<br />

fello\.l with a loaded boat, being da shed to pieces under his feet .<br />

A little over<br />

three 1Uilea beL ov Bishop' a Fall, Hight<br />

Point , a bluff on the l eft side marks the<br />

head of navigation f or schoone rs, but l arge boats can , du r i ng Spr i ng t ides, a sce nd<br />

to the chu t .e, Fr om Hi gh Point to Upper Sandy Point , which marks the entrance to<br />

the r i ver, th", dfetanoe is ab out five mi l e!'l. The cbanneI here i A vfde an d deep and<br />

runs very straight . TM scenery a ll along i s very beautiful, a nd vhen f irst brought<br />

open from the e etua r-y outside , it pr esents a chsrmin g effect . The great vide<br />

glittering river se en of a calm<br />

summer ' s afternoon, vft.h the sl a nting r ays of the<br />

declining 6Un li g!J.ting ~ U p t he water l OOK S like a n 8VfH".Uf'J paved with burnished<br />

sil ve r , a nd ever-hung at the sides by all t he most magni ficent of our f orest t r ees .<br />

A mi l e or eo ba ck rr-on t.be ban ks of t he r iver birch-clad r -Ldge a of exceeding beeut.y<br />

r-Lse to conadder-ab'le e!rn_tions .Bhe l~,!1 n g t he lovely ve Lkey {rOla."tb,,' cold" n~rU~_~<br />

and ea sterly or scut.h-e est.er Iy vfn d s ,<br />

Bet.veen Red Indi an Lake a nd t he<br />

se a many large tributaries earring from the<br />

height of land far in the interior join the main river, all c ombdntng t .o increase<br />

the vojuae of its waters . I shal l mer e l y name the mos t important. Gre at Rat t ling<br />

Br ook , Chnte Br-ook , Sandy Ri ve r , Noe L Pau l ' s , a nd Harpoon Ri ve r come i n on tho<br />

Sout h sf de j Badger Ri ver an d Idt.t.Ie Red Indian Rfv er- on the north side . The two<br />

latter, though f lmdnp, in opposite di r ections , are only a quarter of a mil e apar t<br />

where t hey e nter the mai n river at t.be Great Bend . The l a t ter is 8 fine st.r-eem and

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