Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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of our ancestors , who , i n the sixtie s of the past century 'ru shed to t he assista<br />

nce of the Fed eral Arr.r end Ijavy during the Amer i ca n Civil Wer, vh en over two<br />

thousand f'Lsher-men-esd Ior- n of Nevfcund kend wer-e to be found in the Nor-thern Navy<br />

a lone f i ght i ng in defence of Liberty and the pr-eser-vatdon of the Union . Away<br />

beck in Napoleonic vare ve had that br ave s oldier, Si r Henry Pynn , of Bristol's<br />

Hope, l eaving t he shores of his hatdve land to cont end against t he Idtherto nes t<br />

invincible ermfes i n var- the 'World has ever produced , l ed by mightiest gen du s of<br />

ancient or moder n tdmea-c-Napo keon-c-and by his bravery and i nherent contempt for<br />

dcn ger-, migh t cd upon t he f ield of bat.tI e , gdven char-ge of the Por tuguese t r oop s "<br />

vhoe he trained fr-om a r abble ((li('h~ar tened by repeated dereat.s) i nto en army<br />

t.hnt, not alone withstood the at.t.acks of the l ee i ::ms o~ the gr ea t conq ueror, but<br />

in many Lnst.en ce s su ccessfully r e pulsed and de feated t.hem,<br />

For his grea t abilit y<br />

Ln or -ga nf aa t.Lon , tr:linin:; of his r -ev r ecrui ts, his r-en ovned cilit ery tactics a nd<br />

pcr-eonaL her-odsm, he was ap pointed Gover-nor- of 'th e I'aaous city of YcI enc.la , In<br />

Spakn, end had a Ls o nan y hon er-a conferred on him b~' a gr-at .efu .L country and<br />

pa t.r-Iot.Lc ::1n:; . J..nr! yet 1:0'01 lit tle ve :nOY of the de taf Le in th'e life of t h.i ~<br />

t rul:r br-eve man an d pa tr- Jot i c Nevf cund'la nder-I Simply not .hf ng , except vha t i s<br />

han ded dow by tradition ~ ._~ pa~siD.&-~eference t hat t h::e lJ8. s ~~ch a man, .dn

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