Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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In J une 1865 a gentleman f r oiD Engbnd J by t he name of Hr . Lundy , arrived<br />

t<br />

her e ( Heart' s Content) to prepare a t~l!lpor.ry offic"J·f or the i nstallation of the<br />

Atlan t i c C"ble , ..hich va :'! ex pected t o be lai d i n thJl.t year, but vhfcb ..... 05, unfor-t-,<br />

una te1:r, broken i n mi d-oce an .<br />

He s uc ceeded in .o~~ aln l ng a dwelUng hou se about 24 by 11 and 14 f eet high,<br />

t hat was un de r construct i on by Hr . J emee Legge, Sr-, , of Hea r t 's Cont e nt , ed'tua t .ed<br />

i n close proximity to the present Cable Ofrice •<br />

He e mploye d Mr. J . H.M. Moor e as I'or-emen to put the building' i n su i t a bl e<br />

c ondi tion for t he i n st illat ion of t he ca b'le , He also empl oyed a s vcr-kmen Hr .<br />

JUles Moor e , Sr . , Mr. Jonathan Hopki ns, Hr . 'I'hoa , Jeans and Hr . Jllmes Legge . In<br />

about f iftee n or sixte en daye the v ood - wcr-k and papering wae oomp:eted . Hr . Lundy<br />

a Leo obtained the services of Mr . Al exsnder Smith , stone cutte r , frOll St. John 's,<br />

to build the pedestals f or the reception of the gaIvanometer -e,<br />

The Cable Office vae l ocated in t he North part of t he buildin!;__t.he New York ,<br />

___Ne~oun cn~ n~ _ .a r:d London Te). eg raph ~~~ lce ~~illg i ~ ~~tt~~~th_p_",l'.!' . _<br />

Ships in)<br />

'Wa i t i ne)<br />

In July 1866, the ships began to arrive. They c omprised H.H.S .<br />

Royalist e nd GaLat.ea , propell ed by naf.Le , with au xiliary ste8mJ<br />

of a ppr-ox draat.eIy 350 t.ona each, and t h"J surveyi ng boa t Ha rguerita St e phens on ,<br />

Capta i n Kerr , whi ch lat t e r ship had been her e t.vc or three previous eeaeon e , s o a s<br />

t o have ever ything coepke t e for bbe a r r i val of the Gre at Eaate r-n, commande d by<br />

Captai n J .m ~5 Ander-eon ,<br />

Whe n t.he time dr-ev near f or 'th e arri va l of th~ Great Ee et.er-n, t he vis.1 tors<br />

c ommence d to pou r i n until t here va e sc arce l y sleeping r -oca , every a vailable

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