Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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D. J. Hende r-eon , that a 'tu nne], ran thr-ough a part of the Hill , and that he , Hr .<br />

Hender-sonk had seen and be e n dov n into the vaults vhfch connected vfth t he tunnel .<br />

Further<br />

than this I could never get, as to t.he realit y of a passage_wy under any<br />

part of Signa l<br />

Hill.<br />

In reference t o this tunne l i t may be of int erest to note bhab in t he summerof<br />

1881, vhe n the r a i l way \018 8<br />

first st.ar-ted , in their york of e s cavat ing at Fort<br />

WilliplD, the wor kmen came across a part. of i r on dOOTf~ , and it wa s gene rally stated<br />

by some t hat the p'l.ace where these doors were found was the ex i t of t.be subt.er -r-can<br />

ea n passag e whi ch l ed from Fort Willia'll t o t he Bl ock Hou se .<br />

or course all such<br />

rumor \ISS lightly heeded , a nd like othe r- things, it soon passed ou t of t he public<br />

mind . The vho'Ie story R.t best. rr.ay be but a myth ; but certain it is that much of<br />

historic i nter e s t and much of r omance and daring is cov ered up in the df Iapddated<br />

va~~lt~ and f oundat.Lon-i-rudne of Signal Hi l l . In t he days of i t s more I mperial<br />

e mi nen ce it ve e much close r to the hear-t, of t.he Colonial office than it can<br />

possibly be at the pr-esent, time ; and<br />

there can be no doubt vhs tever- that the<br />

Colonial r ecorda bear upon them SMe long l os t f'ac t s concerning this spot . ~"he re<br />

t hese r e cords are may be diffic'li t<br />

to dd.ecover-, but they muet. ce r -t.edn'ly lie hi dde n<br />

in the archives of the C("'l~~:1al offi~ . ~ :,""",London ; and llke_ Shdl~ d.O~:D~~s.. t he y __ ~<br />

may yet se e the light, and thus afford to the future historiRn such important data<br />

as \li l l i ncrease the novelty And enhance the VAlue of bis vor-k ,<br />

The stud y of such places SR Sienal Hi l l wil l a f f or d to a ny t.our-Lat, ~r et udent j<br />

or autho r an abundance of l ore; which should not a I one pr ove of keen est int eres t t o<br />

the r ea der, but should also cr-ea t e in the breast, of any IoyaI British subject the<br />

deepest, feelings of patriotism. These old forts er-e to be found in almost a l l parts<br />

of ne wfou nd land , and eve n aWAy North on the coast of labrador , and further on to<br />

the e r f"at e xpanse of Hudso n Bay , t.he menonr-y of t.he old-time Britdsh so 'ldfer- may<br />

be se en , end the SQ'T\r" hc'lds good 'thr-oughout. th... near-er- C..nadian pr-ovfncenj 1n all

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