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liTHE AFj-t OF corn-<br />

!llBRADj)R lIAS \/0.1 ITS flAME ON ITS HFJUTS<br />

i!!LH. F . ShortiR t Historlneraph~r)<br />

No country on ear-th so richly deserves to be called d eligh~ful ilfl Labrador<br />

(lithe am of go 'ld"} 1n suame r-, Persons are eo used to classing it tJith the Arctic<br />

and semi..J..rctic Latdtude e that they have entirely lost out, 80 to speak, in calcukatdcne<br />

of Labra dor . Truly enou gh when l ocke d in t he erabr-ece of vfnt.er -, this<br />

ea stern peninsula of North Aml'!ric9. l ooks a nd Le a s much an d as t n 1ly Arct ic a s you<br />

please .<br />

But vhc shall de sc rdbe its summer beauty?<br />

To begin 1J1th , the ve etber- is generally It settled Lcvedfneas , No skies are<br />

bluer, no land bre-eze more delicately pe r-Iuaed , no vinds softer, no air more char -<br />

ged vith a beautiful life than those that are !l.lIIne in labrador .<br />

or cou r-se , storms come and atr-ongky a s se r t t.heeseIvee lilt times, eve n i n<br />

summer , but so rarely do they arise a s to be n ~gl1gibl ., ~<br />

VI'! hear -'::0 oft e n of th..:' "forbidding" co.st of Labrador, of it~ fro\olni=n=e= = = = = -ogranite<br />

, and of its f r equent foga , that it if: bar-d to be H ev e how beautdf'uL the<br />

country is. Tr uly enough, whe n t he autumn t>ettl",,!'; down in Labrador , it means<br />

_~~. ~loo;n , sturlll ~nd :_har3hn~~3 ~ ...::;.B.~t· . even ~ this Ie st;a but : a_!~~r.: ti:l!e, giving pillce :-to"': ·_"· .<br />

8 vf.nt.er- thlilt is e Imost, as i deal lind as l ove ly as the summer- s<br />

The coasts ar e granite -bound , and the great. tow ering r ocks and bouIder-e t .hat.<br />

line the coast f roo North to South are a proud corapeny by rea son of their e Iaoat,<br />

eternal defiance of the angry seas that hav e r olled all t.he \.IRy across the Atlantic<br />

frOID the Iri s h Coast in utter and glorious f r e",doo , only to find t.heras e I ve s i mpot -<br />

ent.<br />

when they e t.tempt, to rush the coa st of Lebr-ador-,<br />

Foge Are not nearly as pI entdf'uI a s may be supposed , I nde ed, during a r -es dd-,

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