Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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- 31 -<br />

children, ....a'" e n ide a l spot, for yours truly . C4 tl"rd , und er Sister Hille 's<br />

management had no room for fnprcveeent. , With my usual luck I dropped into the<br />

right place a t the righ10 tifle-Chrlstus. Slster~ , nurse e and patdent.e , a l so the<br />

dcct.cr-e, co-opera t ed in the decorating of the \Jard;: numerous pr -eeents ver-e aent,<br />

in, and on Christmas morning I had the fu l l of a pd L'lcv -ca se lind a rev extras<br />

lying ar-ound t he floor. With the aid of crutches I patrol l ed the co r r idor and<br />

made . yeel! a cquainted \lith t he boepf .t.eI and staff a nd the "Char woman".<br />

We<br />

always did like t o get a cquainted vith 'the "CiulrvOTll8n" . A f ey dcye vende r-Ing<br />

around and the doctor spotted ae ; my sentence ' l.'a8 · 8 f ell Jlor e_!,eeks in bed . :...Good<br />

Lord , what a 11 fe1 On visiting days Illy bed ....U l used a fl a spar e chair, a eett ee ,<br />

or anythi ng you cou ld rest on , my he ad vas of t en us ed f or 5i tting space a s veLk ,<br />

Old ladies vcu'ld bring along ....ell-poli she d appl es , place them i n a ver:r prominen t<br />

position on your ,l oc ke r top, and inquir e af ter you r hea lth, a s k a l ot of si lly<br />

questions and bid you " go od day" . No.... and then 50" old gentleman br-ough t, i n<br />

cir,lilrs--guarlil nteed l Theil the l';irls would COlli e end bring--Oh, ve l l , never mind<br />

vhat, t he girls brought ,<br />

gue sal<br />

Captain a nd Mrs . St.epbe ne , r e pre se nting t.he Assocbtion a I vays did the i r<br />

ut.aost, to hel p the Nevfoundkand boys during their stay i n hospital, and deserv e<br />

cr ed i t for their work in t be pa st, t va a nd a half year-s ,<br />

51 t t i ng ar-ound the big bOl';ey in C4 Ward one e ven dng perusing the columns of<br />

the Evening NevfI , a bi~ Australian cried : "What 's the latest, Nevfyll? "We l l , I<br />

81l1d "the very latest Le "Br1thh troops eve cue t e Suvla a nd AnZIlC" . Yell they<br />

did s ....ear.<br />

·'Fifty thousand British soldiers f av e their all to take and hold<br />

that t erritory so sacr ed t o an Anzac, a nd that' s wha t ....e Ce t for i t ". That's hc v<br />

they ....ere f eeling a bout it. Some of thel1l ve r-e boy s who had climbed t he hill" of<br />

Anz a c Cove under the n r c of he l l , end t hey vou'ld<br />

hav e don e it agafn had t hey<br />

been give n a chance to r-evenge their desd , They ....er-e a hard lot of Bushmen ....ho

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