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Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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- 8 _<br />

t.hen 4 ,000 square miles .<br />

At first, spread out 1n a ne tvork of ramifica.tions 11ke the tentacles of 8<br />

gigantic oct.opue, vhcse ~ume rous eucker-e dr-ew t r ibute f rom t he fllll8 11 lakes, tarns<br />

and spongy marshe s , vhf cb ab oun d over those higher e l evat i ons of the country. The<br />

curious streams , uniting after a vhfIe 1n one msin cbanneL , soon a s sume the proport -<br />

ions of 8 river of c ons i derable size . It be c omes navagabl e f or can oe s about ten<br />

miles above George I V Lake . Thi s lake , 8 0 na med by the intrepid t r aveller Cormack,<br />

who crossed t he i sland f rOOl e a st t o wes t in 1822, is known to the Micmacs as Pl uchiopaeg<br />

or Cr OBB Pond . I t bears 8 rude r-e seabrance to 8 cross , or rather to t he<br />

lette r T , hence t he name. I t i A t he first l a ke of a ny co ns equ e nc e or con siderable<br />

size on the rive r , hav ing a surface area of e i ght squ are m Ies , It is pict uresq -<br />

uely dotted over \lith sever-aI s:nall wooded islets, a nd its shores are also for the<br />

most part 'Well vooded , A l itt l e t o t he South of t he I ake , a hi gh rugged r a nge of<br />

bare-topped mountains begdns to rise , which, extending dovn the va l ley of the Uppe r<br />

Exploits,<br />

cr osses the river a bove Red I ndi a n Lake , And t.bence bears evay northeaster<br />

ly towards t he Topsails, or heieht of I en d , The I ndf an a call t hi s r an ge<br />

Anneopsq,uatch , vhfch means rugge-d or unsightly looking . I t nevertheless forms a<br />

magnificent back-ground t o the scenery of the I a ke e an d river a .<br />

Eighteen miles of ~~~~t w t er!; frequently choked u.i~h e..,AoI"m OU_S boul c1e ~ ~:<br />

se parate George IV f rom Lloyd's Pond , the next lake-like e:xpansl~n of the r i ver.<br />

The sc enery along t his section 1s wild and beaut iful ; but, a narrow be l t on eit her<br />

side of the river i s vood ed , while t.ocer-dng a bove<br />

the t rees on the Sout h the<br />

serrated peaks of the Anne opsq ua t ch present a constantly varying panoramic l a ndecepe<br />

,<br />

Lloyd ' s Pond i s 6 1/ 2 mi lctt l ong, a nd ha s 8 cu r -face a r ea of sdx squar-e mile s .<br />

It is a deep, trough-like be san, ovfng to the proximity of the mountain r anee, ....hich

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