Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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-4-<br />

••d 17 80 sold his f arm at this Ceve to Mr. Benj .. Leeter-, In my next I may 8ay<br />

8emet hing of t he h1 atol7' .r"Sam Whit e ' s Cfie" ..<br />

The .ld &r8veyard in Trinity 1s a very old place of int erment indee4.<br />

Pr.~bly 200 yeers old vheu the last interment took place there in the Summer of<br />

1881. It \188 that of old Mr:J. Uhite, mother .t the late Mr• .Tehn \./h1te. Constable.<br />

I buried her m::rsell, a nd s a officiated 8 t the last interment in t he old graveyard.<br />

Abeut<br />

the centre of this ~8veyard I s the t omb of the Rever end J ohn Clinch, M.C.<br />

I t marks the site of the altsr in the first church built at TrinitYJ for Mr.<br />

Clinch vas buried UDder the altar vhfcb va s temporarily removed for that perpese..<br />

Mr. Cllich vee 11.0 quack in medi c1Do_ he va s 8<br />

regu18rly licensed praetiti,ner<br />

bel ding diplomas 8S physician and surgeon from Lenden , He hac, when studying<br />

medi cine , 8S 8<br />

fello\l student , the celebrated Dr. Jenner, the discoverer of<br />

v8c c1nat l on f~r mallpox . They pa ssed thei r exams an~ received their diplomas<br />

at the same time.

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