Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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presbyteries and schools for outports J and he a180 contributed frequently to<br />

local and foreign pub lications . He wrote an "EccIeefaatdce I Hi et.or-y of Nevfound-,<br />

lend" , and also a "Life of Bdebop Hullock" J a nd for the Royal Society of Canada ,<br />

of which he 'Wa s a member-, he prep ared a pr:tp.,r annually on some subj ect of scientific<br />

or hf eot.r-fca L interest. He 'Was a special friend of the "Nevfound'land<br />

Quarterlyl' , a nd not an Ls sue for the past twelve ye ar s ha e appear-ed \Jithout an<br />

articl e from hilll , on a most coapr-ebensdve and interesting subject.__"The Name Lore<br />

of Nevfound Land'", This he had neer-Iy completed , a nd we hope to be able from his<br />

notes and otherwise to round out the se r-Ie e ,<br />

I n addftdon to all this, he found time to plrty biB part i n public a f f air s.<br />

He vas possessed of an intensely ea rneet. pat.rd otdem, end took a n active ,dnt.e r -eat<br />

in all pubUc questions, social, murd.c dpa L and co lonial. Of c ourse, not Al l of<br />

the peop'Ie-c-even his own peopke-c-agreed ",ith him in regar d to t .he ee ..1ll8.tt e r~ , but ,<br />

none , even t hose vho<br />

held st.r-ong vdeve to the c ontrary, questioned the edncer-Lby<br />

of his purpose or the zeal for the country' ~ interest vhdcb i nf luenced hi m.<br />

Hi~ pa eefng 'Was mourned by the- publi.c_ee.nerall:I..~ t.h:at. o:f;_~ciJ.i~n---,-~~ 8« ..<br />

l ike ",ill not soon be seen agadn ,<br />

On the death of ArCh~is~~p Ho.. le.~, ~ ~~~ directi.~~ of. th~ 8.ff;t r~ of ..~~e ~r~~dioce;e<br />

-"o'eve l oped upont~ 'Vi'~r-:Cen;;'; i~- m.. RRV. Her .. Roche , ~ Re ctor of ~t he :~<br />

.•. .. ~<br />

Cathedral here and the Administrator of the Ar-chdfocese under the l ate Ordinar y .

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