SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute


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Since most of the existing approaches merge all of the<br />

identical states, they result in overgeneralized FSMs. In [7],<br />

some criteria are propos ed to identify identical states that<br />

have emergent behavior. This definition is as follows:<br />

Definition 5: The component i in MSC m has emergent<br />

behavior in state , if there exists MSC n (m and n can be<br />

equal) and a state <br />

, such that and are identical<br />

states and one of the following holds:<br />

i) = where l is a c omponent<br />

and represents message with content c sent<br />

from i to l.<br />

ii) = where lis a co mponent<br />

and represents a message with content c<br />

received by i from l. Component l sends a message<br />

with content c to component i such that i<br />

does not receive this message before event of<br />

in MSC m and by removing this event, still<br />

component l can send .<br />

<br />

iii) State is the final state of MSC n and <br />

is a send message for component i.<br />

iv) Case ii) h olds except th at by removing event of<br />

in MSC m, component l cannot send <br />

anymore. Then, there exist events e and w for l<br />

such that the event of is syntactical cause for<br />

<br />

. Then, states and are identical<br />

and emergent behavior occurs for l.<br />

Only the identical states that result in emergent<br />

behaviors based on Definition 5 s hould be merged and<br />

unnecessary merging for the other states should be avoided.<br />

Behavior Model algorithm (Figure 7), is prop osed to<br />

synthesize behavior models while preventing emergent<br />

behaviors due to overgeneralization.<br />

Algorithm: Behavior Model<br />

Input: Set of message sequence charts (M)<br />

Output: State machines for each component<br />

1. For each component i:<br />

2. Make domain theory D i based on Definition 2.<br />

3. Make state machines and assign state values based on Definition 3.<br />

4. Find identical states based on Definition 4.<br />

5. For each set of identical states:<br />

a. If they lead to emergent behavior based on Definition 5:<br />

Merge the states to one single state.<br />

b. Otherwise, no merging is needed.<br />

Figure 7. Synthesis of emergent behavior preventing<br />

overgeneralization<br />

To show the effectiveness of Definition 5 and the<br />

proposed algorithm, the case study is considered. MSC m1<br />

has emergent behavior since case i) of Definition 5 holds for<br />

it. For th e FSMs of client control in MSC m2 (shown in<br />

Figure 6) the proposed algorithm is applied and the identical<br />

states are f ound to be , and . However, these<br />

states do not lead to e mergent behavior since they do not<br />

hold any of four cases in Definition 5. The reason is that in<br />

cases ii) and i v) of Definition 5, the event that comes after<br />

the identical states should be a receive message while in this<br />

example, the event is a send message. In cases i) and iii) ,<br />

although the event that comes after identical states is<br />

sending message which matches the example, one of the<br />

identical states should be th e final state i n the machine or<br />

the next event should be different for the identical states in<br />

order to produce emergent behavior. Since none of these is<br />

valid for the example, the identical states of MSC m2 do not<br />

lead to emergent behavior and merging them is unnecessary.<br />


It has been reported that detecting unwanted behavior<br />

during the design phase is 20 times cheaper th an finding<br />

them during the deployment phase [11]. This paper provides<br />

a systematic approach to anal yze system requirements for<br />

defects, while saving on overhead by replacing ad-hoc<br />

methodologies with automated ones. A new algorithm is<br />

developed for behavior model synthesis and emergent<br />

behavior detection while preventing overgeneralization. The<br />

proposed algorithm improves the existing ad-hoc methods<br />

[7, 13]. The future work is implementing the proposed<br />

algorithm as a syntax checker to provide an automated tool<br />

to check and correct the system designs. Moreover this work<br />

can be u tilized as part o f a comprehensive framework to<br />

analyze system requirements and design.<br />


[1] M. Moshirpour, "Model-Based Detection of Emergent Behavior In<br />

Distributed and Multi-Agent <strong>Systems</strong> from Component Level<br />

Perspective," in Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering.<br />

Master of Science Thesis. University of Calgary, 2011.<br />

[2] "ITU: Message Sequence Charts. Recommendation, International<br />

Telecommunication Union," 1992.<br />

[3] "Recommendation Z.120: Message Sequence Chart," Geneva, 1996.<br />

[4] D. Harel and H. K ugler, "Synthesizing state-based object systems<br />

from lsc specifications," IJFCS, 2002.<br />

[5] I. Kruger, R. G rosu, P. Scholz, and M. Broy, "From mscs to<br />

statecharts," in Franz j. rammig (ed.): Distributed and parallel<br />

embedded systems: Kluwer Academic Publis, 1999.<br />

[6] J. Whittle and J. Schumann, "Generating statecharts designs from<br />

scenarios," in ICSE Limerick, Ireland, 2000.<br />

[7] A. Mousavi, "Inference of Emergent Behaviours of Scenario-Based<br />

Specifications," in Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering.,<br />

PhD Thesis: University of Calgary, 2009.<br />

[8] J. Grabowski, "Test Generation and Test Case Specification with<br />

Message Sequence Charts," in <strong>Institute</strong> for Informatics and Applied<br />

Mathematics: Universitat Bern, 1994.<br />

[9] H. Muccini, "Detecting implied scenarios analyzing nonlocal<br />

branching choices," in FASE 2003 Warsaw, Poland.<br />

[10] S. Uchitel, J. Kramer, and J. Magee, "Negative scenarios for implied<br />

scenario elicitation," in FSE 2002.<br />

[11] R.F. Goldsmith, Discovering Real Business Requirements for<br />

Software Project Success. Norwood MA: Artech House, Inc., 2004.<br />

[12] K. Koskimies, T. Mannisto, T. Systa, and J. Tuonmi, "Automated<br />

support for modeling oo software," IEEE Software, pp. 15(1):87–94,<br />

1998.<br />

[13] M. Moshirpour, A. Mousavi, and B.H. Far, "Detecting Emergent<br />

Behavior in D istributed <strong>Systems</strong> Using Scenario-Based<br />

Specifications," in Proc. of <strong>SEKE</strong>, 2010, pp. 349-354.<br />


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