SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute


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anches is more applicable than the approaches with either<br />

statements or methods.<br />

4. Related Work<br />

As the testing and analysis activities on released software<br />

systems are different from those in-house, researchers have<br />

proposed some techniques to facilitate testing and analysis<br />

of released software systems. Pavlopoulou and Young [11]<br />

proposed a residual test coverage monitoring tool to selectively<br />

instrument a Java program under test so that the performance<br />

overhead is acceptable. As a software system has<br />

distributed in sites of many remote users, a monitoring task<br />

can be divided into several subtasks, and each subtask is<br />

assigned to different instances of the software system and<br />

can be implemented by minimal instrumentation. This approach,<br />

called the Gamma system, isimplemented by Orso<br />

and colleagues [1, 10]. The preceding research aims to<br />

propose different instrumentation strategies in monitoring<br />

a released software system. However, our work uses execution<br />

data, which is collected by these instrumentation techniques,<br />

to distinguish failing executions from passing ones.<br />

The execution data collected from the field can be analyzed<br />

and used for the purpose of software maintenance and<br />

evolution. Liblit and colleagues [6, 7] proposed to gather<br />

executions by using Bernoulli process and then isolate bugs<br />

based on the sampling executions. Orsa and colleagues [9]<br />

investigated the use of execution-data from the field to support<br />

and improve impact analysis and regression testing inhouse.<br />

Although both of these research and ours use the<br />

execution data, they have different aims. These work aims<br />

at fault localization, impact analysis or testing, whereas our<br />

work aims at classifying executions.<br />

5. Conclusion<br />

In this paper, we performed an empirical study on<br />

execution-data classification by varying the three factors:<br />

machine learning algorithms, number of training instances,<br />

and type of execution data. Among the three machinelearning<br />

algorithms, the Random Forest algorithm makes<br />

the classification approach produce significantly better results<br />

than the Naive Bayes algorithm. Either of these algorithms<br />

makes the classification approach produce significantly<br />

better results than the Sequential Minimal Optimization<br />

algorithm. As we increased the number of training<br />

instances, the classification model usually produces better<br />

classification results. However, execution-data classification<br />

approach still correctly classifies most execution data<br />

when fed with a small number of training instances (i.e.,<br />

1/5 of the number of executable statements contained by a<br />

program). Moreover, when the type of execution data is<br />

branch coverage, the corresponding classification approach<br />

produces better results than the approach with the other<br />

types of execution data.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

This work is supported by the National Basic Research<br />

Program of China under Grant No. 2009CB320703, Science<br />

Fund for Creative Research Groups of China under<br />

Grant No. 60821003, the National Natural Science Foundation<br />

of China under Grant No. 91118004, and the National<br />

Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.<br />

60803012.<br />

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