SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute


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Take basic requirements<br />

from user as main goal<br />

Perform requirement<br />

analysis and represent<br />

it in the form of Goal<br />

Graph(Input to system)<br />

Suggestions to the requirement analyst<br />

(Output)<br />

Semantic Mapping<br />

Verification Module<br />

Domain Ontology<br />

(Input)<br />

Automated System<br />

Verification Metrics<br />

1. Completeness<br />

2. Correctness<br />

3. Conflict<br />

Fig. 1: Architecture of the proposed Automated System<br />


Figure 1 represents the architecture of our proposed automated<br />

system. In [13], we have proposed the architecture<br />

of an automated system which generates the system design<br />

from the requirement specif cation by consulting the Domain<br />

Ontology of the system. But, this architecture lacks to verify<br />

input requirements. Designing the architecture of the system<br />

without ensuring that the requirements are in correct form<br />

may lead to the development of inconsistent systems. So,<br />

the verif cation module has also been included to be a part<br />

of our automated system. Thus, the automated system takes<br />

the requirement and the Domain Ontology as input, verif es<br />

these requirements against Domain Ontology, and suggests<br />

the system analyst to change the specif cation accordingly.<br />

In our automated system, we have peformed goal oriented<br />

requirement analysis and represented the requirements in the<br />

form of Goal Graph. The Domain knowledge is represented as<br />

Domain Ontology. The leaf level sub goals are taken as input<br />

to the automated system and mapped to concepts in Domain<br />

Ontology and verif ed against them.<br />

A. Requirements represented by Goal Graph and Domain<br />

<strong>Knowledge</strong> represented by Ontology<br />

Agents in MAS are goal oriented i.e. all agents perform<br />

collaboratively to achieve some goal. Goals have been used<br />

in Software Engineering to model requirements and nonfunctional<br />

requirements for a software system. Goal Graph<br />

and Domain Ontology have been def ned in [13].<br />

B. Semantic Mapping from requirements to Ontology<br />

The process by which the basic keywords of the leaf node<br />

sub goal are mapped into concepts in the Ontology is called<br />

Semantic Mapping. In this paper, the aim of semantic mapping<br />

is to f nd out tasks from Domain Ontology, required to be<br />

performed to achieve a sub-goal given as input from the Goal<br />

Graph. Let a user requirment R come to our proposed system.<br />

After goal oriented requirement analysis of requirment R, we<br />

represent it as a goal graph and get a set of leaf level indivisible<br />

subgoals. These leaf level sub goals are represented as:<br />

G0= {G1 , G2,...,Gp }.<br />

(Output)<br />

Let there be a set denoted as G={g1,g2, ...,gq }. Each gi ∈<br />

G is another set which consists of set of goal-concepts which<br />

are associated with a consists-of relationship in ontology. Let<br />

us denote each gi ∈ G as ”concept-set”.<br />

Let Ky be a function that maps a subgoal to its basic<br />

keyword set. The set of keywords for subgoal Gi ∈ G0 can<br />

be represented by Ky(Gi) ={Kyi1,Kyi2 ...Kyij}. Letfbea<br />

mapping which maps each Ky(Gi) or some Ky(Gi) ∪ Ky(Gj)<br />

∪ ...∪ Ky(Gk) to a concept-set in ontology, Gi ∈ G0 where<br />

1≤ i ≤ k or {Gi, Gj ,..., Gk }⊆ G0.<br />

i.e. f(Ky(Gi)) = gi, gi ∈ G, or there exists a subset of G0,<br />

{G1 , G2, ..., Gk }⊆G0 such that f(Ky(G1) ∪ Ky(G2) ∪ ...∪<br />

Ky(Gk)) = gi.<br />

Each subgoal Gi ∈ G0 or some set {Gi, Gj ,..., Gk }⊆ G0<br />

is mapped on some concept-set gi ∈ G.<br />

C. Verification metrics of requirement analysis<br />

In this paper we have def ned three metrics for verif cation<br />

of requirment analysis.<br />

• Completeness<br />

• Correctness<br />

• Conf ict<br />

1) Completeness:<br />

• Case 1: Each keyword in the keyword set KY= Ky(G1)<br />

∪ Ky(G2) ∪ ...∪ Ky(Gp) is mapped into some concept<br />

∈ concept-set gi of ontology. If a keyword ∈ KY can be<br />

mapped to a concept in concept set gi of ontology, then<br />

add the keyword to set S and add the concept set gi to<br />

ST. Thus, ST=ST ∪ gi, where initially ST is the empty<br />

set.<br />

Repeat this step for every keyword in KY. Finally, the<br />

Measure of Completeness, MCOM = |S|/|T|<br />

• Case 2: Let G={g1,..., gq }be the set of concept-sets on<br />

which G0 is mapped. Let T i be the set of tasks associated<br />

with gi ∈ G with consists of relation. So, T 0= T 1 ∪ T 2<br />

∪ ...∪ T q is the set of all tasks that are required to be<br />

performed to achieve the goal set G0.<br />

Let pred(ti) represent the set of tasks that should happen<br />

before ti and succ(ti) represent the set of tasks that<br />

happen after ti. So, for each task ti ∈ T 0, check the<br />

following condition<br />

∧<br />

{pred(ti)⊂ T 0 succ(ti) ⊂ T 0 }= true.<br />

For all ti where the above condition is false , let pred(ti)<br />

∈T’i or succ(ti) ∈T’i. LetT ′ i be associated with g ′ i ∈<br />

G by the consist of relation. The sub goal formed by the<br />

concept-set gi should be included in the suggestion list.<br />

2) Correctness::<br />

• Case 1: Each keyword in the keyword set KY= Ky(G1)<br />

∪ Ky(G2) ∪ ...∪ Ky(Gp) should be mapped into some<br />

concept ∈ concept-set gi of ontology. So, total number<br />

of keywords in requirement analysis is m2= | (Ky(Gi)<br />

∪ Ky(Gj) ∪ ...∪ Ky(Gk))|. If a keyword ∈ KY cannot<br />

be mapped to a concept in concept set gi of ontology,<br />

then add the keyword to set US ,where initially US is the<br />

empty set.<br />


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