SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute


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Therefore, the calculation of RT S under Partial-CATESR can<br />

be given by the following process.<br />

RT S ←<br />

if TS HC ≠ ∅ then RT S HC<br />

else if TS MC ≠ ∅ then RT S MC<br />

else RT S LC<br />

(3)<br />

Full-CATESR is a naive strategy by simply combining three<br />

sub test suites into one test suite. The construction process of<br />

RT S can be defined as follows:<br />

RT S ← RT S HC ∪ RT S MC ∪ RT S LC (4)<br />


To evaluate the effectiveness of our CATESR approach, we<br />

perform empirical studies to answer the following research<br />

questions:<br />

RQ1: To what extent can CATESR approach decrease the<br />

size of reduced test suite compared to HGS approach?<br />

RQ2: Can the FDA be kept, when CATESR approach<br />

generates a relatively smaller reduced test suite, comparing<br />

to HGS approach?<br />

RQ3: Can the FDA be weakened due to the partial coverage<br />

of test requirements?<br />

A. Subjects and Experiment Setup<br />

1) Experiment Subjects: We adopt seven small C programs<br />

in Siemens suite and one large-scale C program named space<br />

in our empirical study. The Siemens suite is originally contributed<br />

by Ostrand et al. for a study of the fault detection<br />

abilities of control-flow and data-flow coverage criteria [12],<br />

and has been partially modified by researchers for further<br />

studies. space is a program for interpreting statements written<br />

in some specific array definition language (ADL). Each subject<br />

contains a single correct version and a set of versions with a<br />

single fault.<br />

TABLE II<br />


Subject # Test Cases # Versons LOC Description<br />

printtok 4130 7 402 Lexical Analyzer<br />

printtok2 4115 10 483 Lexical Analyzer<br />

replace 5542 29 516 Pattern Replacement<br />

schedule 2650 9 299 Priority Scheduler<br />

schedule2 2710 9 297 Priority Scheduler<br />

tcas 1608 40 138 Altitude Separation<br />

totinfo 1052 23 346 Information Measure<br />

space 13585 35 6218 ADL Interpreter<br />

The characteristics of these subjects are summarized in<br />

Table II. Each subject contains a large test pool with at least<br />

1052 test cases, and 13585 at most. Each subject contains<br />

multiple single-faulty versions, with the count between 7 and<br />

40. For subjects in Siemens suite, the number of lines of code<br />

(LOC) ranges from 138 to 516, which is relatively small comparing<br />

to practical programs. Therefore, we introduce space,<br />

which contains 6218 LOC, to verify the scalability of our<br />

CATESR approach. These subjects are available from Subject<br />

Infrastructure Repository (SIR) at University of Nebraska-<br />

Lincoln 2 [4].<br />

2) Experiment Setup: Since there exists randomness in<br />

our approach, we independently perform the experiment 1000<br />

times on each faulty version for each subject. During each<br />

iteration, we firstly generate a test suite by randomly choosing<br />

test cases from the test pool, then we adopt both Partial-<br />

CATESR and Full-CATESR in test suite reduction. To show<br />

the effectiveness of our approach, we also implement HGS<br />

algorithm [7] as a baseline. When randomly generating a test<br />

suite, we firstly determine the size n of test suite. The value<br />

of n is determined by LOC of the subject timing a random<br />

number ranging from 0 to 0.5. Then we randomly choose n<br />

test cases from the test pool and construct TS. Finally, when<br />

test cases in TS cannot cover all feasible requirements covered<br />

by the test pool, we will add additional test cases by randomly<br />

choosing test cases from the remainder of the test pool. If no<br />

test case in TS can detect the fault in this faulty version, we<br />

will discard TS and regenerate the test suite. This experiment<br />

design is motivated by Rothermel et al. [19].<br />

B. Results and Analysis<br />

In this subsection, we analyze the data gathered from our<br />

experiments to answer RQ1, RQ2, and RQ3.<br />

1) Experiment Metrics: In our empirical study, we mainly<br />

focus on two metrics: time cost and FDA.<br />

In real testing scenarios, time cost includes test environment<br />

setup, test case execution, and test result examination. Since<br />

test suite reduction can significantly reduce the time cost of<br />

regression testing, here we only consider the size of test suite<br />

as a metric to measure the time cost. Consequently, we can<br />

adopt the average extent of reduction to original test suite in<br />

percentage over 1000 times independent experiments, given<br />

by the following formula:<br />

TS Reduced = |TS| avg −|RT S| avg<br />

∗ 100 (5)<br />

|TS| avg<br />

To measure the effectiveness of our approach, we also need<br />

to check FDA after test suite reduction. Since each faulty<br />

version contains only one fault, we define an indicator function<br />

g f as follows:<br />

g f (TS)=<br />

{<br />

1 if fault f can be detected by TS,<br />

0 other wise.<br />

Consequently, we can take the average value g f (TS) of<br />

indicator over 1000 experiments as the metric of fault detection<br />

ability, denoted by FDA.<br />

2) Test Suite Size Analysis: To answer RQ1, we analyze the<br />

data, and fetch the size of reduced test suites. The reduction<br />

extent is measured by formula 5 and visualized in Figure 2.<br />

For each subject over all available faulty versions, we mark<br />

three key values to show the reduction extent TS Reduced for<br />

HGS, Partial-CATESR, and Full-CATESR,respectively in the<br />

same vertical drop line.<br />

2 http://sir.unl.edu/php/index.php<br />

(6)<br />


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