SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute


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(1) V □ (A) ⊆ V □ (B), V ♦ (A) ⊆ V ♦ (B).<br />

(2) A\(x 1 , ..., x m ) ≥ B\(y 1 , ..., y n ), where {x 1 , ..., x m } =<br />

V(A)−V □ (A)−V ♦ (A), {y 1 , ..., y n } = V(B)−V □ (A)−V ♦ (A).<br />

For example, Â=[x ♦ : R; y □ : N | y □ =2⌊x ♦ ⌋] B̂=[x ♦ :<br />

N; u ♦ : R; y □ : R; v □ : R; z : N | y □ =2x ♦ ; v □ = z ∗ u ♦ ],<br />

where x ♦ , u ♦ are may variables, y □ , v □ are must variables.<br />

So intuitively, A ≥ B describes the modal refinement of<br />

data properties of schemas A and B if schemas A and B have<br />

the same may and must variables. A B describes the modal<br />

refinement of data properties of schemas A and B in the general<br />

case, i.e., schemas A and B may have different may and must<br />

variables.<br />

The precise definition of modal refinement must take into<br />

account the fact that the internal actions of P and Q are<br />

independent. For this, we need some following preliminary<br />

notions.<br />

We now give the following definition which describes the<br />

set of states after performing a sequence of internal actions<br />

from a given state.<br />

Definition 4. Given a modal ZIA P and a state s ∈ S P , the<br />

set ε − closure P (s) is the smallest set U ⊆ S P such that (1)<br />

s ∈ U and (2) if t ∈ U and (t, a, t ∗ ) ∈ T H P then t∗ ∈ U.<br />

The environment of a modal ZIA P cannot see the internal<br />

actions of P. Consequently if P is at a state s then the<br />

environment cannot distinguish between s and any state in<br />

ε − closure P (s).<br />

The following definition describes the set of states after<br />

performing several internal actions and an external action from<br />

a given state.<br />

Definition 5. Consider a modal ZIA P and a state s ∈ S P .<br />

For an action a, we let<br />

ExtDest P (s, a) ={s ∗ |∃(t, a, t ∗ ) ∈ T P .t ∈ ε − closure P (s)<br />

and s ∗ ∈ ε − closure P (t ∗ )}.<br />

In the following, we give a modal refinement relation<br />

between modal ZIAs. For modal ZIAs, a state has not only<br />

behavioral properties but also data properties. Therefore this<br />

modal refinement relation involves both the modal refinement<br />

relation between behavioral properties and the modal refinement<br />

relation between data properties.<br />

Definition 6. Consider two modal ZIAs P and Q. A binary<br />

relation ≽ m ⊆ S P × S Q is a modal refinement from Q to P if<br />

for all states s ∈ S P , there exists t ∈ S Q such that s ≽ m t the<br />

following conditions hold:<br />

(1) F S P (s) FS Q (t).<br />

(2) For any action a ∈ A □ P , if s∗ ∈ ExtDest P (s, a), then<br />

there is a state t ∗ ∈ ExtDest Q (t, a) such that F S P (s∗ ) F S Q (t∗ )<br />

and s ∗ ≽ m t ∗ .<br />

(3) For any action a ∈ A ♦ Q , if t∗ ∈ ExtDest Q (t, a), then there<br />

is a state s ∗ ∈ ExtDest Q (s, a) such that F S P (s∗ ) F S Q (t∗ ) and<br />

s ∗ ≽ m t ∗ .<br />

Intuitively, must actions (variables) represents the overapproximation<br />

of actions (variables), and may actions (variables)<br />

represents the under-approximation of actions (variables).<br />

The modal refinement relation describes the both overapproximation<br />

and under-approximation for transitions and<br />

variables for modal ZIAs.<br />

We say that modal ZIA P is refined by modal ZIA Q if for<br />

some initial states s in P and t in Q, s is refined by t.<br />

Definition 7. The modal ZIA Q refines the modal ZIA P<br />

written P ≽ m Q if:<br />

there is a modal refinement ≽ m from Q to P, a state s ∈ S i P<br />

and a state t ∈ S i Q such that s ≽ m t.<br />

The above definitions of modal refinement relations can be<br />

extended to the definitions of bisimulation relations by adding<br />

the symmetric condition of relations.<br />

The following lemma states that is a partial order (i.e.,<br />

reflexive and transitive).<br />

Lemma 1. (1) A A.<br />

(2) If A B and B C, then A C.<br />

The following proposition means that ≽ m is a partial order.<br />

Proposition 1. (1) P ≽ m P.<br />

(2) If P ≽ m Q and Q ≽ m R, then P ≽ m R.<br />


Providing a logical characterization for various refinement/equivalence<br />

relations has been one of the major research<br />

topics in the development of automata theory and process<br />

theories. A logical characterization not only allows us to<br />

reason about behaviors of systems, but also helps to verify<br />

the properties of systems. For modal transition system, a logic<br />

for modal refinement relation was proposed and a logical<br />

characterization was given in [3]. For convariant-contravariant<br />

simulation of labelled transition systems, a logical characterization<br />

for convariant-contravariant simulation relation was<br />

given in [8]. In this section, we give the similar result for<br />

modal ZIAs. In the following, we give a logic for modal ZIAs<br />

named MZIAL and give a logical characterization of modal<br />

refinement relation ≽ m .<br />

A. Syntax of MZIAL<br />

Throughout this paper, we let MZIAL be a language which<br />

is just the set of formulas of interest to us.<br />

Definition 8. The set of formulas called MZIAL, isgiven<br />

by the following rules:<br />

(1) ⊤∈MZIAL.<br />

(2) ⊥∈MZIAL.<br />

(3) If ϕ is in the form of p(x1 ⊙ , ..., x⊙ n ), then ϕ ∈ MZIAL,<br />

where x1 ⊙ , ..., x⊙ n are may or must variables, i.e., x ⊙ i is in the<br />

form of x ♦ i or xi □ , p is a n − ary prediction.<br />

(4) If ϕ i ∈ MZIAL for any i ∈ I, then ∧ i∈I ϕ i ∈ MZIAL.<br />

(5) If ϕ i ∈ MZIAL for any i ∈ I, then ∨ i∈I ϕ i ∈ MZIAL.<br />

(6) If ϕ ∈ MZIAL, then (∀ x ♦ )ϕ ∈ MZIAL.<br />

(7) If ϕ ∈ MZIAL, then (∃ x □ )ϕ ∈ MZIAL.<br />

(8) If ϕ ∈ MZIAL, then [[a ♦ ]]ϕ ∈ MZIAL.<br />

(9) If ϕ ∈ MZIAL, then 〈〈a □ 〉〉ϕ ∈ MZIAL.<br />

B. Semantics of MZIAL<br />

We will describe the semantics of MZIAL, that is, whether<br />

a given formula is true or false.<br />

The satisfaction relation |= is given recursively by the<br />

following definition, where (P, s) |= ϕ means that state s of<br />

modal ZIA P satisfies formula ϕ.<br />


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