SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute


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While the lab participants li ke the idea of being able to<br />

automatically capture links t o documentation, they expre ssed<br />

several usability issues regarding the current tool<br />

implementation. Some participants prefer more visual feedback<br />

on the status of traceability capture (e.g., a better visual<br />

indicator that the recording i s taking place). One user would<br />

like more “on-the-fly” directions to know what actions to take<br />

while recording. These usability issues can be addressed by<br />

further tool development.<br />

Most of the literature on automating traceability techniques<br />

focus on increasing the accuracy of traceability links captured<br />

to minimize the cost (i.e., the time spent on capturing<br />

traceability links [15]). By holistically analyzing the probl em,<br />

we learn that software engine ers’ aversion to traceability is not<br />

solely because traceability tasks are tim e consuming, but<br />

because of the interaction of cost with social challenges (e.g.,<br />

engineers capture traceability links because of an exte rnal<br />

mandate [4, 6]) or the interaction of cost with the technical<br />

challenges (e.g., captured traceability links quickly bec ome<br />

outdated). Time spent in ca pturing traceability links become s<br />

less of an issue whe n software engineers have a direct benefit<br />

[4, 6]. This is confirmed by our finding where some users are<br />

also willing to spend more time for a greater level of control.<br />


This paper examined the traceability challenges and showed<br />

that the complexity of the pr oblem stems from multiple<br />

interacting factors that arise from the economic, te chnical, and<br />

social perspectives. ACTS is a novel technique that holistically<br />

tackles these challenges by unifying distributed and varied<br />

artifacts around the architecture, by catering to stake holder<br />

interests, and by prospectively capturing links. The ACTS tool<br />

support is extensible—existing OTS tools can be integrated via<br />

hypermedia adapters and heuristics can be s pecified via<br />

external rules. Our case stud ies have shown that ACTS can<br />

address interacting challenges from different perspectives.<br />

There are several avenues of future work. ACTS can<br />

potentially be adapted to settings where an architectural model<br />

may be distributed among different artifacts or m ay not play a<br />

central role in developm ent. More work is also needed to<br />

understand other interactions be tween the three pers pectives.<br />

For example, it is important to know how to balance individual<br />

versus organizational priorities in capturing traceability links.<br />

We anticipate that these issues can be a ddressed and tha t a<br />

holistic approach like ACTS can aid in transitioning state of the<br />

art traceability techniques into practice.<br />


The authors are grateful to G. Mark, S. Hendrickson, Y.<br />

Zheng, and E. Dashofy for useful discussions, and C. Leu, J.<br />

Meevasin, H. Pham, D. P urpura, and A. Rahnemoon for tool<br />

development.<br />


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