SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute


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Pub-T<br />

<br />

<br />

Tc<br />

<br />

Tc<br />

Sub-T<br />

Sub-T<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Figure 6. The C-net description of pattern 2 based on content<br />

Though theme can mark the exchanged parameters, its<br />

expression to parameter is weak because theme can’t reflect the<br />

constraint of subscription task to parameters, and its adaptation<br />

to the change of parameter constraints is also very weak.<br />

Meanwhile, the pub/sub model based on content allows<br />

subscription task to express their subscription by the value of<br />

related parameters, which has stronger ability of expression and<br />

more flexible ability of adaptation. So we extend the workflows<br />

by the C-net elements around publish transition, and the<br />

additional steps are as follow:<br />

1) Add corresponding parameter set called as<br />

PrivateParams for each subscription transition to store all th e<br />

parameters to be received, and add the data f low of read<br />

operation from each subscription transition to PrivateParams;<br />

2) Add P element to realize the delivery of the right of<br />

occurrence from publish transition to subscription transition.<br />

After these steps, it builds the collaboration unit of the<br />

pub/sub model based on content, just as th e content of blue<br />

dotted line box in figure 6, called as Content-P/S-U.<br />

Comparing to P/S-U, Content-P/S-U has two more transitions<br />

Tc which are mainly used to check if the parameters of<br />

PubParams satisfy the corresponding requirements.<br />

Sub-T Sub-T Sub-T<br />

<br />

<br />

T<br />

<br />

Pub-T<br />

T<br />

<br />

a)<br />

b)<br />

Figure 7. The Subject-P/S-U and Repeat-P/S-U solutions of pattern 3<br />

Model building for pattern 3<br />

T<br />

<br />

T<br />

T<br />

<br />

<br />

Pub-T<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Tm<br />

Tm<br />

<br />

<br />

Tm<br />

In figure 7(a), it is a scene that a task of iterative circuit<br />

publishes parameters which are passed to the tasks of other<br />

parallel processes. If we use Subject-P/S-U to deal with the<br />

data exchange as figure 7(a), there will be two problems: fist,<br />

the publish transition will execute more than one times publish<br />

operations. So Sub-T always can’t consume the corresponding<br />

token in its preorder place called as Ps in time, which will be<br />

accumulated. And there will be repeated read operations to the<br />

same parameter set when Sub-T carries out read operation,<br />

which decreases the efficiency of the execution of net systems.<br />

Second, subscription transition will do more than one times<br />

read operations. As the parameters passing way of figure 7(a),<br />

there isn’t any method to control the read operations of Sub-T<br />

to the following data.<br />

<br />

Sub-T<br />

Sub-T<br />

Sub-T<br />

For these two reasons, we extend Subject-P/S-U into the<br />

collaboration unit for iterative circuit pattern, called ad Repeat-<br />

P/S-U. The extension mainly is to add the consume mark place<br />

Pr to indicate if Sub-T has read the parameter set and the judge<br />

transition (called as Tm) between Ps and Sub-T to decide if<br />

Sub-T has consume the parameters that are read, just as figure<br />

7(b). The initial value of Pr is one token, which means the first<br />

active read operation of Sub-T to the published data. After the<br />

first read, the second publication of Pub-T provides Ps another<br />

token, but the occurrence of transition Tm still need the right of<br />

occurrence of Pr which depends on the end of all the<br />

operations to the last set of parameters. So Tm can only inform<br />

Sub-T the advent of new parameters after all the operations of<br />

Sub-T, so that it prevents Sub-T to do loop detection and read<br />

operation.<br />


In this paper, we support the model building for the data<br />

collaboration of collaborative design based on C-net, which can<br />

satisfy the features of process collaboration, like parallel,<br />

iterative and dataflow oriented. We c onclude collaboration<br />

pattern and provide a set collaboration unit model to describe<br />

these pattern, so that all complex collaboration mechanism can<br />

be hidden into these unite. Next step, we will prove the liveness<br />

and safety of collaborative unit, which can validate the<br />

rightness of data collaboration process.<br />


This work was supported by the National Natural Science<br />

Foundation of China under Granted No. 60903001<br />


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