SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute


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deployment view) that is r eified in a physical network.<br />

Properties such as reliability and bandwidth of this connector<br />

may be subject to change over time. This kind of changes in<br />

properties of architectural elements is often ignored in the<br />

architectural models. We advocate that the evolution of these<br />

properties should be reflected in the models, as it allows us to<br />

(i) monitor the evolution of these properties, which in turn can<br />

be used to t rigger adaptations, and to (ii) analyze the actual<br />

characteristics of a system using its architectural models. This<br />

alignment between what was designed (the initial model) and<br />

the actual implementation/deployment can help identify and<br />

reduce architectural erosion [15]. A particular research field<br />

that considers the evolution of the properties of architectural<br />

elements is that of service-oriented architectures. For instance<br />

[4][8] match services properties with non-functional<br />

requirements for selecting which services to use.<br />

Some modeling languages that are not considered ADL can<br />

also be used for architectural modeling. Architectural behavior<br />

has been defined in languages such as Statecharts,<br />

ROOMcharts, SDL, Z, Use-Case, Use-Case Maps, Sequence<br />

diagrams, Collaboration diagrams and MSCs [2]. For instance,<br />

Statecharts can be used to describe the different states of a<br />

component, as well the transitions between them; Use-Case<br />

diagrams can express the different activities performed by an<br />

element of a system, from the user’ point-of-view. Thus, when<br />

dealing with architectural evolution, we cannot neglect these<br />

languages. Similarly, the use of goal-based notations such as<br />

Kaos and i* for architectural modeling has been promoted in<br />

some research endeavors [12][18].<br />


Based on a review of the architectural modeling approaches<br />

mentioned in the previous section, we devised a framework for<br />

empowering architectural evolution through model<br />

transformations, which can be applied to different modeling<br />

languages. This framework comprises a conceptual model,<br />

used to classify the different constructs of a modeling language,<br />

as well as a set of basic architectural evolution operations<br />

defined upon the conceptual model.<br />

Architectural models are composed of architectural<br />

elements – e.g., components, services, classes and states – and<br />

links that define connections between these elements – e.g.,<br />

connectors, requests, association links and events. Both<br />

elements and links may have properties, which can be used to<br />

provide a detailed description of elements and links. Moreover,<br />

elements may have sub-elements, i.e., elements that are part of<br />

them. Fig. 1 shows a model that represents these concepts.<br />

Using the graph terminology, elements can be considered typed<br />

nodes, links can be considered directed edges and properties<br />

can be considered labels of a node/edge.<br />

This conceptual model can be applied to different<br />

architectural description languages, as well as to other<br />

modeling languages that are used for architectural modeling<br />

(e.g., Statecharts, Sequence diagrams, Use-Case and i*). The<br />

(meta-)metamodel of the VPM language [3] resembles our<br />

conceptual model, being essentially composed by elements<br />

(entities) and links (relations) but neglecting their properties.<br />

That work provides a metamodeling language, whereas our<br />

conceptual model is used to classify the constructs of existing<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Figure 1. Conceptual Model<br />

metamodels in o rder to guide the creation of transformation<br />

rules. Thus, our approach is n ot tied to any particular<br />

metamodeling nor transformation specification language.<br />

A. Basic Architectural Evolution Operations<br />

This conceptual model enabled us to define 7 basic<br />

operations required to s upport architectural evolution with<br />

model transformations: Add Element, Remove Element, Add<br />

Link, Remove Link, Add Property, Remove Property and<br />

Change Property. These operations support the 2 different<br />

types of architectural model changes described in Section 2 –<br />

structural/topology changes and property changes. These<br />

operations are described next.<br />

1) Add Element<br />

Inserts a new element in a model. A particular case is when<br />

the new element is a sub-element of another element. Usually,<br />

an element has a name or an identifier.<br />

2) Remove Element<br />

Deletes an element from a model. Caution should be taken<br />

when removing elements from a model, as it is important to<br />

maintain the integrity of the model. For instance, if an element<br />

is removed, it is most likely that it will also be necessary to<br />

remove the links associated with that element.<br />

3) Add Link<br />

Inserts a new link connecting elements of the model.<br />

4) Remove Link<br />

Deletes a link from a model. Here again caution should be<br />

taken, as elements without links may result in invalid models.<br />

5) Add Property<br />

Inserts a property in an element or in a link. Usually, the<br />

property has a name or an identifier, as well as other attributes<br />

such as value, default value and type.<br />

6) Remove Property<br />

Deletes a property from an element or from a link.<br />

7) Change Property<br />

Modifies the content of an attribute of a property, e.g., the<br />

actual value, or its type. A similar effect could be achieved by<br />

combining the Remove Property and the Add Property<br />

operations. However, as modifying a property is conceptually<br />


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