SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute


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optimization which can improve multidisciplinary design. The<br />

specific abstract process of pattern 2 is as figure 2:<br />

r1 r2 r3<br />

T2<br />

T1<br />

T3<br />

superior process and subordinate process and will cause the net<br />

system too complex to implement and analyze. So we use an<br />

unified middle data set variable to stand for the summarized<br />

parameters, and add the corresponding P-occurrence<br />

mechanism, which is called as DX-U, just the abbreviation of<br />

the collaboration unite of unidirectional summarization of data,<br />

just as figure 4.<br />

k1 k2 k4<br />

T4<br />

T5<br />

T<br />

k3<br />

T6<br />

<br />

d[0]<br />

d[1]<br />

<br />

d[l]<br />

<br />

Figure 2.<br />

Task interaction pattern between parallel processes<br />

T2<br />

<br />

Ti<br />

In figure 2, transition T3 separately reads parameters sets of<br />

r1 and k3, and transition r2 and k2 also read parameters set<br />

produced by T2. They together produce complex parameter<br />

passing route, but these scattered data flows can’t reflect the<br />

synchronous relationship between the transition which executes<br />

write operation and the transition which executes read<br />

operation. At the same time, the parameters sets of these<br />

parameter passing flows always cause the redundancy of data<br />

transition because of the common design contents.<br />

<br />

Pattern 3 : task interaction between iterative processes<br />

This pattern is reflected into the scene that one or more<br />

transitions of iterative circuit pass parameters to the transitions<br />

of other parallel design processes. This pattern mainly<br />

describes the complex data exchange problem which is caused<br />

by multi-version process parameters produced by the iterative<br />

execution of Repeat. The multi-version property of Repeat will<br />

affect the parallel execution of other processes which exchange<br />

parameters with Repeat, and the specific abstract process of<br />

pattern 2 is as figure 3:<br />

T3<br />

<br />

Tj<br />

Figure 4. The C-net description of task interaction pattern between superior<br />

process and subordinate process<br />

In DX-U, it uses the unified set d of parameter variables to<br />

collect the parameter set of the related tasks, just as follow:<br />

d T2. params Ti. params Tj.<br />

params<br />

Model building for pattern 2<br />

The pub/sub model can be used to extend unidirectional<br />

data passing to describe complex parameter exchange between<br />

transitions effectively, and the ability of expression for<br />

parameter subscription directly affects flexibility of data<br />

collaboration between transitions. Now there are mainly two<br />

kinds of pub/sub model: the model based on theme and t he<br />

model based on content. For parameter passing of the pub/sub<br />

model based on theme, the expression by C-net is as follow:<br />

r1 r2 r3<br />

T1<br />

Ti<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Tr <br />

k1 k2 k4<br />

k3<br />

Tj<br />

T2<br />

T4<br />

T1<br />

T6<br />

T3<br />

T5<br />

r1 r2 r3<br />

Figure 3. Task interaction pattern between iterative processes<br />

Figure 3 describes a scene that a task Tr of iterative process<br />

Repeat(i,j) publishes parameters to the tasks of other parallel<br />

processes, including a2, r2 and t4. The difference between<br />

pattern 2 and 3 is that the parameter passing will execute more<br />

than one times and produce the process data of different<br />

versions, which makes collaboration process more complex.<br />

C. Process collaboration based on C-net<br />

According to the features of these process collaboration<br />

patterns, we provide their model building based on C-net.<br />

Model building for pattern 1<br />

In pattern 1, if we set V element for each parameter passing<br />

flow to stand for corresponding parameter set, it can’t unified<br />

the interaction in the form of parameter collection between<br />

Sub-T Sub-T Sub-T<br />

Pub-T<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

k1 k2 k4<br />

T6<br />

<br />

Figure 5. The C-net description of pattern 2 based on theme<br />

k3<br />

P/S-U<br />

T2<br />

T4<br />

T3<br />

T5<br />

<br />

Considering the feature of task interaction of parallel<br />

processes, we extend the process collaboration based on<br />

publish transition centered, and the operations include:<br />

1) Set corresponding published parameter set called<br />

PubParams for each transition that executes read operation, so<br />

that let PubParams store the parameter set transited at runtime;<br />

2) Add the data flow of write operation and read operation<br />

of PubParams;<br />

3) Add P element to realize th e occurrence right of<br />

parameter passing process f rom publish transition to<br />

subscription transition, which will build a P-occurrence unit of<br />

pub/sub model based on th eme, as the content of dotted line<br />

box in figure 5(a), called as P/S-U. According the above steps,<br />

we take the publish transition T4 for example, in which the<br />

token of Pub-t in P/S-U comes from T4, just as figure 5(b), and<br />

we can deal with r1 and k3 in figure 5 by the same way.<br />


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