SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute


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B. Case study in a proprietary project<br />

The tool was a lso used in a c ompany where capturing and<br />

managing traceability is crucial. The tool was use d by an<br />

engineering specialist who was in cha rge of evaluating<br />

software artifacts and capturing traceability links to them.<br />

Q1: The user was concerned with the am ount of overhead<br />

needed to create the rules tha t will filter the traceability links.<br />

Since the user may be switching between different projects, the<br />

user may be v isiting artifacts that should not be traced to the<br />

current project. Because the rules are currently expressed as<br />

XSLT, it required m ore overhead than was acceptable to the<br />

user. “I nee d an environm ent that allows me to m ake snap<br />

decisions about individual pote ntial links, or whole groups of<br />

links, quickly and on the fly.”<br />

Q2: Centering links on the architecture was of limited value<br />

because the organization has a requirem ents-centric approach<br />

to traceability and it currently ha s no centralized architec ture<br />

document for a project (i.e., the architecture is spread out over<br />

multiple documents and different form ats). M oreover,<br />

traceability capture starts before an architecture is created (e.g.,<br />

among different levels of requirements document).<br />

Q3: The user has expressed reservations with using ACTS,<br />

because of its architecture-centric approac h and because of<br />

usability issues, such as the background capture of links.<br />

Again, because the user may be switching between diffe rent<br />

projects and because the user wanted to ensure that traceability<br />

links are inde ed captured, the user wanted a capability to<br />

simply “point” to the artifact to capture t he traceability links,<br />

instead of automatically capturing links in the background.<br />

C. Case study in an open source project<br />

Finally, to assess how the ACTS tool works in the context<br />

of a gr oup of users, the tool wa s used to support a team of<br />

developers adding functionality to the ArchStudio project. A<br />

team of four undergraduate stude nts with i ndustry experience<br />

(architect, programmer, technical support) were instructed to<br />

capture links between the architecture and online refere nces<br />

during the ten weeks of development. They were also provided<br />

a pre-defined set of rules to use.<br />

Q1: Three of the four students indicated that the time spent<br />

in recording a nd using the pre-defined rules was accepta ble.<br />

Using the same scale as in Table I, two students rated it a s 1<br />

and one student rated it as 2.<br />

Q2: The students indicated that linking to the architecture<br />

was useful. Three students found it useful in the following<br />

tasks: learning about the syste m, gathering requirements,<br />

designing, implementing new features, and testing. Since t hey<br />

coordinated their tasks am ong themselves, three students used<br />

the traceability links to help answer questions from their<br />

teammates. When asked how often they use d their traceability<br />

links to perform these tasks, 3 students responded “Majority of<br />

the time” while one responded “One fourth of the time”.<br />

Q3: All the students stated that they would continue using<br />

the tool. They pointed out that “[ t]he main hassle is the<br />

installation and setup,” but once they learned how to us e the<br />

tool, they found that it supported their development tasks. The<br />

students commented, “Thanks. It’s very useful for me” and<br />

“Excellent tool.”<br />

D. Discussion<br />

The case studies demonstrated that in development settings<br />

where an a rchitecture is p redominantly used, the AC TS<br />

technique was able to address difficulties from the three<br />

perspectives, such as the cost in capturing links (with prespecified<br />

rules), supporting traceability capture across different<br />

tools, and inc reasing the motivation to perform traceability<br />

tasks (indicated by the willingness to use the tool again).<br />

Q1: There is a concern with regards to the overhead<br />

involved in creating the rules, as expressed by the engineering<br />

specialist in the proprietary project case study. Because XSLT<br />

requires an initial learning curve, we previously planned that a<br />

“traceability administrator” would be in charge of creating the<br />

rules and simply providing them to the users, as we have done<br />

in the lab usage trials and in the open s ource case study. It<br />

turns out that there are users who would like to create their own<br />

rules, and thus, making the rules access ible to the general user<br />

is an important requirement to be addressed in future work.<br />

During this study, we also encountered an une xpected<br />

result—that users are willing to spend m ore time capturing<br />

traceability links as long as they are in control of the<br />

traceability task. In fact, some lab participants asked for the<br />

ability to manually map artifacts to design via “drag and drop.”<br />

One participant even sugges ted displaying a dialog box to<br />

manually confirm the links to add after each recording session:<br />

“I’d like to have more control over the links. I ’d like to have<br />

checkboxes to m anually pick the one link I wanted.” One<br />

participant also wanted to be able to manually enter labels for<br />

the captured traceability links. T his finding is consistent with<br />

our engineering specialist who works in a setting where it is<br />

important not to have missing links. Thus, higher cost may be<br />

acceptable to users as long as they have more control.<br />

Q2: Our approach takes the assumption that there is an<br />

architectural model whereby all the other artifacts can be<br />

linked. The lab usage trial as well as open source case st udy,<br />

where an architectural model exists, has demonstrated that<br />

capturing traceability links work well. In fact, the tra ced<br />

artifacts can support development tasks as demonstrated in the<br />

open source project case study. However, in settings where<br />

there is no dom inant architectural model, as in the propri etary<br />

project case study, our approach provid es limited value. A<br />

placeholder or “bare-bones” architectural model could be used<br />

until a substantive model is developed.<br />

Q3: Future tool usage was largely dependent on the user<br />

experience during the trial usage and the context of usa ge.<br />

Many of the lab users and the undergraduate team saw that they<br />

could benefit from ACTS. T wo of the lab users, an architect<br />

and a manager, opined that ACTS c ould be useful in the<br />

context of thei r work: documents become more useful when<br />

linked to the architecture and traceability is useful during<br />

company audits. The undergraduate team was also able to save<br />

time since they could orga nize their refer ences around the<br />

architectural model. We also see that if ACTS does not match<br />

the context of usage, as in th e proprietary project, it is unlikely<br />

to be used in that setting.<br />


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