SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute


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in the vicinity of the display. The information about whom<br />

is in the vicinity of the display is acquired by the detection<br />

of their devices through a symbiotic relation among them.<br />

2. Related Work<br />

Due to the importance of context for Pervasive Computing<br />

as a whole, many works has been carried out with the<br />

intention of represent the contextual information from the<br />

environment. In a general way, these works can be grouped<br />

into two categories: (i) the comprehensive works - where<br />

the authors try to gather the maximum of information for<br />

represent context, but always according with the scope of<br />

some application being developed [6, 7, 8, 9]; (ii) the synthetic<br />

works - which try to find a minimal set of information<br />

that can be used in most applications [10, 11, 12].<br />

The problem in adopt these works in Pervasive Advertising<br />

is that when the developer adopt a comprehensive<br />

model, add a new concept, or a task ontology, is not possible,<br />

once there is a strong coupling between the existent<br />

classes. Still, if the developer tries to adopt a work that uses<br />

the synthetic approach, the minimal modeling will force<br />

him to extend the solution for contemplate each kind of<br />

product that will be announced, and eventually, when many<br />

concepts are added to the model, the developer will find the<br />

same problem from comprehensive approach.<br />

The main problem with these works is that they cant<br />

be applied to the Pervasive Advertising domain, and adapt<br />

them to this domain is a hard task due to the high level of<br />

coupling of the information. We also detach that still there<br />

are not a comprehensive model created for the Pervasive<br />

Advertising [4], which be able to represent specif information<br />

of this domain such as the target audience, and the message<br />

of the ad.<br />

3. The Context Model<br />

To be aware of context is a key concept in order to effectively<br />

develop applications in the scope of pervasive computing.<br />

A good modeling formalism reduces the complexity<br />

of developing context-aware applications by improving<br />

their maintainability and evolvability. Considering that the<br />

growing trend of use the multiagent approach for implement<br />

Pervasive Advertising systems, the need of built-in semantics<br />

and expressiveness and the need of computational guarantee,<br />

we decided to adopt OWL DL Ontologies for modeling<br />

the contextual information.<br />

The conception of a model for Pervasive Advertising is<br />

not an easy task. Mainly because (i) this model must be<br />

comprehensive, in order to address the different needs of<br />

contextual information of applications; (ii) this model must<br />

be loosely coupled, in order to be extensible, in other words,<br />

the incorporation of new concepts still absent shall be easy.<br />

Notice that there is a trade off between the need of low coupling<br />

and comprehensiveness. Once, raising the level of<br />

comprehensiveness increases the coupling, and vice-versa.<br />

To solve this impasse, we did not try to avoid coupling, it<br />

is impossible, but we change the way the coupling occurs to<br />

make it weaker. The key to achieve the result is the association<br />

of the contextual information with the entities capable<br />

of provide these information. These entities are the users<br />

and the devices, once they are the only entities capable of<br />

produce information.<br />

After identified the sources, it is possible to associate<br />

other concepts to them. In this way, the coupling with these<br />

entities is not a problem anymore, once the information<br />

about them are necessary for any application that uses context<br />

in Pervasive Computing paradigm. Following this line<br />

of thought, our model was created using a gradual approach,<br />

and is divided into three layers, they are: the Kernel, Pervasive,<br />

and Advertising layers following described.<br />

3.1. Kernel Layer<br />

In this layer are represented the entities capable of provide<br />

information in scope of Pervasive Computing, they are<br />

the User and Device. The Figure 1 (yellow boxes) illustrates<br />

how the context can be represented in terms of users<br />

and devices. It is also possible to notice in this figure that<br />

a user can holds many devices. In this layer there is yet the<br />

representation of location, once this information is directly<br />

associated to the user and device.<br />

It is also common to think in the environment as a source<br />

of information. But, actually the environment is only a representation<br />

of a location, a place. In this way the information<br />

about the environment can be obtained through the<br />

devices that are in a specific location. This means that all<br />

the information can be obtained either from the user or the<br />

device. For example, the information about the gender of a<br />

person can be directly provided by him or herself. Or the information<br />

about the temperature of a place can be obtained<br />

by a sensor (device).<br />

Other aspect is the specification of the Device Profile<br />

that can be a hardware or a software profile. The Hardware<br />

Profile describes specific characteristics of a device,<br />

such as memory and processor power, battery level, and<br />

screen size. The Software Profile follows the same line of<br />

though, including the characteristics of software of a device<br />

like browser support and characteristics.<br />

3.2. Pervasive Layer<br />

The Pervasive layer gathers the information that can be<br />

relevant for most applications from different domains. That<br />


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