SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute


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Modal ZIA, Modal Refinement Relation and<br />

Logical Characterization<br />

Zining Cao 1,2,3<br />

1 College of Computer Science and Technology<br />

Nanjing University of Aero. & Astro., Nanjing 210016, P. R. China<br />

2 Provincial Key Laboratory for Computer Information Processing Technology<br />

Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, P. R. China<br />

3 National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Avionics System Integration<br />

Shanghai 200233, P. R. China<br />

Email: caozn@nuaa.edu.cn<br />

Abstract—In this paper, we propose a specification approach<br />

combining modal transition systems, interface automata and Z<br />

language, named modal ZIA. This approach can be used to<br />

describe temporal properties and data properties of software<br />

components. We also study the modal refinement relation on<br />

modal ZIAs. Then we propose a logic MZIAL for modal ZIAs<br />

and give a logical characterization of modal refinement relation.<br />

Finally, we present a sublogic of MZIAL, named muZIAL, and<br />

give a model checking algorithm for finite modal ZIA.<br />

Index Terms—interface automata; Z notation; modal transition<br />

systems; refinement relation; modal logic; model checking<br />


Modern software systems are comprised of numerous components,<br />

and are made larger through the use of software<br />

frameworks. Such software systems exhibit various behavioral<br />

aspects such as communication between components, and<br />

state transformation inside components. Formal specification<br />

techniques for such systems have to be able to describe all<br />

these aspects. Unfortunately, a single specification technique<br />

that is well suited for all these aspects is yet not available.<br />

Instead one needs various specialized techniques that are very<br />

good at describing individual aspects of system behavior. This<br />

observation has led to research into the combination and<br />

semantic integration of specification techniques.<br />

Interface automata is a light-weight automata-based languages<br />

for component specification, which was proposed in<br />

[1]. An interface automaton (IA), introduced by de Alfaro and<br />

Henzinger, is an automata-based model suitable for specifying<br />

component-based systems. IA is part of a class of models<br />

called interface models, which are intended to specify concisely<br />

how systems can be used and to adhere to certain wellformedness<br />

criteria that make them appropriate for modelling<br />

component-based systems.<br />

Z [15] is a typed formal specification notation based on<br />

first order predicate logic and set theory. The formal basis<br />

for Z is first order predicate logic extended with type set<br />

theory. Using mathematics for specification is all very well<br />

for small examples, but for more realistically sized problems,<br />

things start to get out of hand. To deal with this, Z includes<br />

the schema notation to aid the structuring and modularization<br />

of specifications. A boxed notation called schemas is used<br />

for structuring Z specifications. This has been found to be<br />

necessary to handle the information in a specification of any<br />

size. In particular, Z schemas and the schema calculus enable<br />

a structured way of presenting large state spaces and their<br />

transformation.<br />

Modal transition systems [11], i.e., can be modelled as<br />

automata whose transitions are typed with may and must<br />

modalities. A modal transition system represents a set of<br />

models; informally, a must transition is available in every<br />

component that implements the modal transition system, while<br />

a may transition needs not be. In [14], a unification of interface<br />

automata and modal transition systems was presented.<br />

In this paper, we present a new specification language which<br />

combines modal transition systems, interface automata and Z<br />

language. Interface automata are a kind of intuitive models for<br />

interface property of software components. We combine modal<br />

transition systems, interface and Z to describe modal property,<br />

temporal property and data property in a unifying model. We<br />

give the definition of modal ZIA. Roughly speaking, a modal<br />

ZIA is in a style of modal interface automata but its states<br />

and transitions are described by Z language. Furthermore, we<br />

define the modal refinement relation between modal ZIAs and<br />

give some propositions of such modal refinement relation.<br />

Then we present a logic for modal ZIA and give a logical<br />

characterization of modal refinement relation. Finally, we give<br />

a model checking algorithm for finite modal ZIA.<br />

This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives a brief<br />

review of modal transition systems, interface automata and Z<br />

language. In Section 3, we propose a specification languagemodal<br />

ZIA. Furthermore, the modal refinement relation for<br />

modal ZIA is presented and studied. In Section 4, we present a<br />

logic MZIAL for modal ZIA and give a logical characterization<br />

of modal refinement relation. In Section 5, we present a<br />

sublogic of MZIAL, named muZIAL. Then we give a model<br />

checking algorithm for finite modal ZIA. The paper is concluded<br />

in Section 6.<br />


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