SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute


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Eliciting Security Requirements in the Commanded Behavior Frame: An Ontology<br />

based Approach<br />

Xiaohong Chen ∗† ,Jing Liu ∗<br />

∗ Shanghai Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Computing, East China Normal University, CHINA<br />

† Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies (Peking University), Ministry of Education, CHINA<br />

Abstract—The Problem Frames(PF) approach is well known<br />

for analysing and structuring requirement problems in requirements<br />

engineering. However, currently it lacks of a practical<br />

and effective way to obtain security requirements. To solve this<br />

problem, this paper proposes to elicit security requirements by<br />

constructing an act-effect model which is used to model the<br />

environment effects that react to the users’ commands. The<br />

generation of the act-effect model can be guided by a software<br />

environment ontology which models the software environment.<br />

Finally, a case study is given for illustrating the security<br />

requirements elicitation.<br />

Keywords-requirements engineering; security requirements;<br />

software environment ontology; Problem Frames approach;<br />


With the increasing demands for secure softwares, how<br />

to get security requirements becomes an important issue.<br />

Generally speaking, security requirements are included in a<br />

system to ensure [1]:<br />

• unauthorized access to the system and its data is not<br />

allowed (the authority problem);<br />

• the integrity of the system from accidental or malicious<br />

attack (the integrity problem).<br />

Much work has been done in security requirements aiming<br />

at these two problems such as [2][3][4][5][6]. This paper<br />

focuses on the integrity problem. There is a famous approach<br />

for analysing security requirements called abuse frames[1]<br />

which is developed on the basis of the Problem Frames(PF)<br />

approach[7]. Security requirements are viewed in terms<br />

of “Assets” and “Attackers” where attackers behave like<br />

operators to cause state changes in the assets. The security<br />

behavior is quantified as an “anti-requirement” which is a<br />

behavior of an asset under some inputs from an attacker.<br />

However, at present the abuse frames approach still lacks<br />

of a practical and effective way to obtain such security<br />

requirements. In this paper, we propose to use the software<br />

environment ontology for helping elicit security requirements<br />

from the basic problem frames. There are five basic<br />

problem frames in the PF approach. They are the required<br />

behavior frame, the commanded behavior frame, the information<br />

display frame, the simple workpieces frame and the<br />

transformation frame, and some variants to them. Aiming<br />

at the commanded behavior frame, this paper first presents<br />

the act-effect model which tries to describe the environment<br />

effects that react to the user commands according to environment<br />

properties. The environment properties are provided<br />

by a software environment ontology built for modeling the<br />

environment of software [8]. Then the undesirable behaviors<br />

of “Assets”, i.e., security requirements, can be obtained.<br />

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section<br />

II introduces the commanded behavior frame in the PF<br />

approach and the software environment ontology. Section III<br />

presents security requirements in the commanded behavior<br />

frame. Section IV gives a small example-secure sluice gate<br />

control problem to show how to capture security requirements<br />

in the commanded behavior problem. At last, section<br />

VI concludes this paper and indicates the future work.<br />


A. The Commanded Behavior Frame<br />

In the PF approach, the commanded behavior frame<br />

characterizes problems in which the machine is required<br />

to accept the operator’s commands and impose the control<br />

accordingly. The problem frame diagram is shown in Fig. 1.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Figure 1. The commanded behavior: problem frame diagram [7]<br />

In the figure, the software problem is to specify a control<br />

machine (the solution) to control a controlled domain (the<br />

problem context) in accordance with commands issued by<br />

the operator so that the commanded behavior (the requirement)<br />

is satisfied. In this frame the general form of a<br />

software development problem has been elaborated only<br />

by more specialised names for the principal parts and by<br />

markings on the connecting lines which indicate:<br />

• The requirement ‘commanded behavior’ is a condition<br />

over phenomena of C3 and E4.<br />

• The control machine CM is the machine to be built.<br />

• The controlled domain CD is its problem domain. CD is<br />

a kind of environment entity, or an asset to be protected.<br />


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