SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute

SEKE 2012 Proceedings - Knowledge Systems Institute


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Adaptive software should basically determine when and<br />

where a change is required, how it can be changed, and what<br />

the impacts of a change are on system attributes. These<br />

dimensions (when, where, what, and how) are highlighted in<br />

the taxonomy of evolution [7]. When corresponds to temporal<br />

properties; Where refers to the object of change and describe<br />

which artifact needs to be chang ed; What relates to system<br />

properties (qualities attributes); How refers to change support<br />

(change models and the formality).<br />

We advocate the use of feedback control (or closed loop<br />

control)[8], as the mechanism to su pport autonomic<br />

characteristics into a busin ess process. We argue that selfadaptive<br />

software is a clo sed-loop system with feedback<br />

from the self and th e context. The Autonomic Computer<br />

System’s building block, n amed autonomic manager,<br />

constantly interacts with managed element in order t o<br />

maintain its equilibrium in face of incoming perturbations.<br />

The MAPE cycle (Monitor-Analyze-Plan-Execute),<br />

represented in Figure 2, is an implementation of the<br />

classical feedback control technique [4].<br />

Figure 2.<br />

Monitor<br />

Analyzer<br />

Instrumented System<br />

Actuator<br />

Planner<br />

Closed Loop Control Mechanism<br />

In a service-based mission-critical system, adaptation is<br />

an activity with the objective of delivering an<br />

acceptable/guaranteed service based on SLA (Service Level<br />

Agreement). Basically, SLA is a service contract between a<br />

customer and a service provider that specifies t he<br />

forwarding service a custo mer should receive. One of the<br />

key components in SLA is SLO (Service Level Objective)<br />

which specifies QoS (Quality of Service) metrics governing<br />

service delivery. Each SLA may include several SLOs, each<br />

corresponding to a sin gle QoS parameter related to quality<br />

factors. An example SLO is keeping the end-to-end response<br />

time in a specific ran ge. For example, how a s ubstituted<br />

method, replaced using an aspect weaving/unweaving<br />

operation, will violate or sati sfy a co ndition on the system<br />

throughput [8].<br />

In this paper, we claim that self-adaptive features must<br />

be aligned with Business Processes.<br />

B. Business Process Modeling and Autonomic Computing<br />

<strong>Systems</strong><br />

Business Processes and Business Process Management<br />

(BPM) are essential in many modern enterprises. They constitute<br />

organizational and operational knowledge and often<br />

perpetuate independently of personnel and infrastructure change<br />

[9]. Autonomic Computing principles can be adapted to hel p<br />

organizations survive in dynamic business scenarios. Process that<br />

can be able to answer to AC principles are designated Autonomic<br />

Business Process (ABP) [10].<br />

Autonomic Business Process (or autonomic workflow)<br />

must have the capability to adjust to environment<br />

variations (context). If one component service node (self)<br />

becomes unavailable, a m echanism is needed to ens ure a<br />

business process exec ution is not interrupted [11]. ABP<br />

differs from traditional workflow as it relie s on autonomic<br />

techniques to manage adjustments during its execution.<br />

Therefore, it enab les dynamic and auto matic configuration<br />

of its definition, activities and resources. It also allows selfoptimization<br />

and self-healing. Furthermore, autonomic<br />

workflow must have intelligence to anal yze situations and<br />

deduce adaptations at run-time.<br />

There is a b elief that self-* properties are related to<br />

software quality factors. For example, Salehie and Tahvildari<br />

discuss the potential links between these properties and<br />

quality factors [12].<br />

We argue that in logical level of business process model<br />

the adaptations must result in qu ality attributes defined<br />

according NFR Framework [13]. In order to demonstrate<br />

such relationships, it is better to analyze how a well-known<br />

set of quality factors defined in the ISO 9126 -1 quality<br />

model [14] are lin ked to m ajor and prim itive self-*<br />

properties. Considering aspects discussed in [15], TABLE I<br />

presents a consolidation of NFR and Autonomic Computing<br />

Principles.<br />

TABLE I.<br />

NFR<br />


Self-<br />

Configuring<br />

Maintainability X X<br />

Autonomic Computing Principles<br />

Self- Self-<br />

Healing Optimize<br />

Self-<br />

Protect<br />

Functionality X X X<br />

Portability<br />

Usability<br />

X<br />

X<br />

Realiability X X X<br />

Efficiency<br />

The benefits related to th e use of NFR joined with BPM<br />

have been acknowledged in the last years. NFRs have been<br />

applied to help in th e design of bu siness process models<br />

through extensions of business process modeling languages,<br />

allowing for richer analysis and operation alizations of the<br />

process model. However, many works do n ot consider the<br />

variability in their solutions [16]. On the other hand, the<br />

context of a b usiness process is the set o f environmental<br />

properties that affect business process execution. Therefore,<br />

these properties s hould be taken into account when<br />

designing a bu siness process. If context is analyzed when<br />

modeling a bu siness process, then identification of all its<br />

variants (relevant states of the world in which the business<br />

X<br />


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