Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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8<br />

Antibacterial drugs<br />

Jill E Maddison, A David J Watson and Jonathan Elliott<br />



History<br />

Antibacterial drugs are chemical substances that suppress<br />

the growth of microbes and may eventually destroy<br />

them. They are produced by either natural fermentation<br />

or chemical synthesis. Those derived from substances<br />

produced by various microbial species (bacteria, fungi,<br />

actinomycetes) are known as ‘antibiotics’ but not all<br />

antibacterial agents are antibiotics: some are produced<br />

solely by chemical synthesis, e.g. sulfonamides and<br />

fluoroquinolones.<br />

It had long been known that the application of various<br />

moldy materials to wounds and infections assisted<br />

healing but the possibility that this effect was due to<br />

microbes was not recognized until the late 19th century.<br />

The observations, developmental work and clinical<br />

endeavors of Fleming, Chain and Florey heralded the<br />

start of the revolution in antibiosis in the 20th century.<br />

But the clinical use of antibiotic agents in effect represents<br />

the practical, controlled and directed application<br />

of phenomena that occur naturally and continuously in<br />

soil, sewage, water and other natural habitats of<br />

microbes.<br />

Although Erhlich described the concept of ‘magic<br />

bullets’ for treatment of syphilis in 1909, the modern<br />

era of chemotherapy began in 1935 with the clinical use<br />

of Prontosil (sulfonamide-chrysoidin). The ‘golden age’<br />

arrived in 1941 with commercial production and clinical<br />

use of penicillin. As a result of subsequent developments,<br />

many previously fatal bacterial infections can<br />

now be treated successfully but the widespread use of<br />

antibacterial agents has resulted in substantial problems,<br />

including the emergence and dissemination of<br />

drug-resistant pathogens and increasing health-care<br />

costs as new drugs are developed to counteract bacterial<br />

resistance.<br />

Aims of therapy<br />

The goal of antibacterial therapy is to help the body<br />

eliminate infectious organisms without toxicity to the<br />

host. It is important to recognize that the natural defense<br />

mechanisms of a patient are of primary importance in<br />

preventing and controlling infection. Examples of<br />

natural defenses against bacterial invasion are:<br />

● the mucociliary escalator in the respiratory tract<br />

● the flushing effect of urination<br />

● the normal flora in the gastrointestinal tract.<br />

All such mechanisms can be affected by disease or therapeutic<br />

interventions.<br />

Once microbial invasion occurs, various host<br />

responses serve to combat the invading organisms,<br />

including:<br />

● the inflammatory response<br />

● cellular migration and phagocytosis<br />

● the complement system<br />

● antibody production.<br />

The difficulty of controlling infections in immunocompromised<br />

patients emphasizes that antibacterial therapy<br />

is most effective when it supplements endogenous<br />

defense mechanisms rather than when acting as the sole<br />

means of control.<br />

Adverse effects<br />

Antibacterial agents are not without the potential for<br />

toxicity to the host and may cause:<br />

● direct host toxicity (aminoglycosides, peptides)<br />

● toxic interactions with other drugs<br />

● interference with protective effects of normal host<br />

microflora (by suppressing obligate anaerobes, for<br />

example)<br />

● selection or promotion of drug resistance (see<br />

below)<br />

● tissue necrosis at injection sites (tetracyclines)<br />

● impairment of host immune or defense mechanisms<br />

(chloramphenicol)<br />

● reduced phagocytosis, chemiluminescence and<br />

chemotactic activity of neutrophils (tetracyclines)<br />

● inhibition of phagocytosis (aminoglycosides)<br />

● hypersensitivity reactions (penicillins, sulfonamides)<br />

● hepatic microsomal enzyme induction or inhibition<br />

that interferes with their own metabolism as well<br />

as that of concurrent medications<br />

(chloramphenicol)<br />

● residues in animal products for human<br />

consumption (all antibacterials).<br />


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