Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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Formulations and dose rates—cont’d<br />

administered 5–10 min after the second dose. This dosage schedule<br />

is effective at terminating supraventricular tachycardia in approximately<br />

85% of dogs. The effect following termination of administration<br />

is short-lived, often lasting less than 30 min. For longer control, the<br />

initial bolus injections can be followed by a constant infusion of<br />

verapamil at 2–10 µg/kg/min.<br />

Pharmacokinetics<br />

In dogs, verapamil is absorbed well (more than 90%)<br />

but undergoes extensive first-pass hepatic metabolism<br />

so that bioavailability is only 10–23%. Verapamil is<br />

metabolized to several active and inactive metabolites.<br />

Most of the metabolites are excreted in bile. The halflife<br />

of verapamil is 1.8–3.8 h in anesthetized experimental<br />

dogs and the volume of distribution 2.6 ± 1.0 L/kg.<br />

The effective plasma concentration is probably in the<br />

range 50–200 ng/mL. A plasma concentration of<br />

approximately 100 ng/mL increases the P-R interval in<br />

normal dogs and a plasma concentration of approximately<br />

200 ng/mL will produce second-degree AV<br />

block. Myocardial concentration of the drug is linearly<br />

related to plasma concentration and is approximately<br />

nine times the plasma concentration. Left ventricular<br />

and AV nodal region concentrations are greater than<br />

the atrial concentration.<br />

Adverse effects<br />

● Verapamil can depress cardiac contractility and<br />

cause peripheral vasodilation. It should not be used<br />

in patients with severe myocardial failure or patients<br />

in heart failure unless hemodynamic monitoring can<br />

be done and calcium or catecholamines can be<br />

administered immediately.<br />

● In mild to moderate myocardial failure patients,<br />

verapamil may increase cardiac output by dilating<br />

arterioles.<br />

● Occasionally, severe hypotension and cardiovascular<br />

collapse can be induced in dogs with normal cardiac<br />

function, especially if the drug is administered too<br />

quickly.<br />

● Verapamil should not be used in patients with sick<br />

sinus syndrome or AV block because of its ability to<br />

depress automaticity in these diseased tissues.<br />

● Adverse effects can be reversed by calcium or catecholamine<br />

administration. Catecholamine administration<br />

is more effective than calcium for treating<br />

calcium channel blocker-induced AV blocks in<br />

experimental conscious dogs.<br />

Known drug interactions<br />

● Verapamil and β-blockers should not be used together<br />

for several reasons.<br />

– Coadministration of verapamil and β-blockers<br />

results in additive negative inotropic, chronotropic<br />

and dromotropic (conduction properties)<br />

effects on the heart. This produces profound myocardial<br />

depression, prolonged AV nodal conduction<br />

and depressed heart rate, resulting in severe<br />

cardiovascular depression.<br />

– Verapamil can increase the bioavailability of<br />

some β-blockers by decreasing first-pass hepatic<br />

metabolism.<br />

– Addition of β-blocker administration to dogs<br />

with a stable plasma concentration of verapamil<br />

results in an increase in the plasma verapamil<br />

concentration.<br />

● Coadministration of verapamil and lidocaine to isoflurane-anesthetized<br />

experimental dogs produces<br />

profound cardiovascular depression and severe systemic<br />

hypotension.<br />

● Cimetidine decreases total body clearance of verapamil.<br />

This increases the plasma concentration of<br />

intravenously and orally administered verapamil.<br />

This effect probably occurs because of cimetidine’s<br />

ability to inhibit hepatic microsomal enzymes.<br />

● Verapamil increases the serum digoxin concentration<br />

in humans and probably does the same in dogs. The<br />

increase is thought to be due to reduced renal and<br />

extrarenal clearances of digoxin.<br />

Diltiazem<br />

<strong>Clinical</strong> applications<br />

The clinical pharmacology of diltiazem when used to<br />

treat heart failure in cats is described earlier in the<br />

chapter (p. 422).<br />

Diltiazem is also popular for decreasing ventricular<br />

rate in dogs with atrial fibrillation. In most canine<br />

patients, digoxin is administered first and the heart-rate<br />

response determined once a therapeutic serum concentration<br />

is achieved. If an adequate response is not<br />

achieved, diltiazem can be added to treatment protocol.<br />

Diltiazem can also be used in dogs to treat supraventricular<br />

tachycardia.<br />

Mechanism of action<br />

Diltiazem slows AV conduction and prolongs the AV<br />

refractory period to a similar degree to verapamil. It has<br />

minimal effects on myocardial contractility at clinically<br />

relevant plasma concentrations in normal dogs. Diltiazem’s<br />

effects on peripheral vascular smooth muscle are<br />

mild, although it is a potent coronary vasodilator.<br />

In normal experimental dogs, one study found that<br />

diltiazem (0.8 mg/kg IV) did not alter left ventricular<br />

myocardial contractility but did decrease peripheral vascular<br />

resistance and increased the heart rate in response<br />

to a reflex increase in plasma catecholamine concentra-<br />


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