Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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Limited systemic uptake makes it a safe candidate to<br />

induce bronchial smooth muscle relaxation without the<br />

risk of generalized parasympathetic actions. The drug<br />

is, however, not approved for the use in small animals<br />

in the US and UK. Short-acting muscarinic antagonists<br />

such as tropicamide are occasionally used as topical<br />

applications in the eye (see Chapter 25).<br />

Cholinesterase inhibitors<br />

As indicated above, the inactivation of ACh at cholinergic<br />

synapses following release of this neurotransmitter<br />

involves the breakdown of ACh by synaptic acetylcholinesterase.<br />

Together with butyrylcholinesterase, another<br />

closely related serine hydrolase with ubiquitous tissue<br />

and plasma distribution, acetylcholinesterase not only<br />

terminates synaptic transmission but also reduces the<br />

circulating levels of acetylcholine to virtually zero,<br />

making acetylcholine a pure neurotransmitter. Both<br />

cholinesterases are equally inhibited by a number of<br />

naturally occurring and synthetic substances with similar<br />

chemical structure to acetylcholine, which as a common<br />

mode of action transfer an acetyl (short-acting anticholinesterases,<br />

i.e. edrophonium), carbamyl (mediumduration<br />

anticholinesterases, i.e. neostigmine) or<br />

phosphate (irreversible anticholinesterases, i.e. parathion)<br />

onto the catalytic site of the enzyme to block<br />

hydrolytic activity. The difference in affinity of acetyl,<br />

phosphate and carbamyl groups to this site determines<br />

the duration of action of various anticholinesterases.<br />

The clinical uses of these cholinesterase inhibitors are<br />

very limited as the consequences of inhibiting these<br />

enzymes are widespread central and peripheral parasympathomimetic<br />

effects that are difficult to control.<br />

These effects include enhanced transmitter activity at<br />

postganglionic parasympathetic synapses (bradycardia,<br />

bronchoconstriction, glandular secretion, gastrointestinal<br />

hypermotility), depolarization block of the neuromuscular<br />

junction, neurotoxicity and, if compounds can<br />

cross the blood–brain barrier, initial excitation and convulsions<br />

followed by depression.<br />

There is, however, one important clinical use in veterinary<br />

medicine. The short-acting drug edrophonium<br />

is used to aid the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis, an<br />

autoimmune disease in which antibodies directed against<br />

muscle-type nicotinic receptors cause impaired cholinergic<br />

transmission at the neuromuscular junction,<br />

resulting in muscle weakness. Medium-duration anticholinesterases<br />

such as neostigmine and pyridostigmine<br />

are used in the clinical management of the disease in<br />

combination with immunosuppressants.<br />

Irreversible anticholinesterases such as parathion and<br />

dichlorvos, which in some parts of the world are still<br />

used as insecticides, can be the source of intoxication in<br />

domestic animals.<br />



Catecholaminergic neurotransmission mediates the<br />

various actions of sympathetic nervous system activation<br />

at postganglionic nerve terminals, which predominantly<br />

regulate smooth muscle tone in a number of<br />

organs and control cardiac function. Neurotransmitters<br />

synthesized in catecholaminergic nerve terminals are<br />

generally the catecholamines noradrenaline (norepinephrine),<br />

dopamine and adrenaline (epinephrine),<br />

which are synthesized from the amino acid precursor l-<br />

tyrosine via a single enzymatic cascade. Out of these<br />

three, noradrenaline (norepinephrine) is by far the most<br />

important neurotransmitter in the autonomic nervous<br />

system. As a result, postganglionic sympathetic synapses<br />

are usually classified as noradrenergic synapses, despite<br />

the presence of small amounts of dopamine and adrenaline<br />

(epinephrine) in sympathetic nerve endings. Dopamine,<br />

on the other hand, plays a more important role<br />

as a modulatory neurotransmitter in the CNS, while<br />

adrenaline (epinephrine), produced and secreted from<br />

chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla, acts predominantly<br />

as a circulating hormone.<br />

The basic synaptic processes of noradrenergic<br />

neurotransmission are similar to those in cholinergic<br />

synapses, the principal differences lying in the neurotransmitter<br />

synthesis pathways, postrelease metabolism<br />

and recycling (for details see below).<br />

Figure 4.3 outlines the essential steps in the transmission<br />

process at a noradrenergic synapse in the PNS.<br />

Table 4.6 summarizes the drugs that can interfere with<br />

the various stages of this process.<br />

Apart from adrenoceptor antagonists and agonists<br />

and to some extent monoamine oxidase (MAO) blockers,<br />

these drugs have little or no clinical application in<br />

veterinary medicine.<br />

Adrenoceptors<br />

The complex effects that sympathetic activation induces<br />

in mammalian organisms via the release of mainly a<br />

single neurotransmitter, especially the opposing effects<br />

on smooth muscle tone in different organs, can only be<br />

explained by the existence of distinct adrenoceptor subtypes.<br />

However, a detailed understanding of the nature<br />

and distribution of these catecholamine receptors lagged<br />

a long way behind the systematic classification of nicotinic<br />

and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. Despite the<br />

fact that Sir Henry Dale had made observations suggesting<br />

the existence of such receptor subtypes (he realized<br />

that in animals pretreated with certain ergot alkaloids,<br />

adrenaline produced a paradoxical reduction in blood<br />

pressure compared to the expected increase) as far back<br />

as 1913, scientists were struggling to draw the right<br />


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