Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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Known drug interactions<br />

● Concurrent use of progestins may reduce the<br />

efficacy of prostaglandins.<br />

● Concurrent use of other ecbolic agents (e.g.<br />

oxytocin) may have additional myotonic effects.<br />


Methylergometrine<br />

Oral methylergometrine maleate (0.5 mL PO, q.8 h)<br />

has been proposed as an adjuvant therapy in cases of<br />

moderate uterine hemorrhage, for example after<br />

parturition.<br />

In women, it displays a uterotonic effect, probably via<br />

a stimulation of myometrial α-adrenergic receptors. Its<br />

action remains effective for 4–6 h.<br />

This drug should not be used with sympathomimetics,<br />

ergotamine or dopaminergic drugs. No adverse<br />

effect has been observed with the concomitant use of<br />

oxytocin. It should not be given during pregnancy.<br />

Phenylpropanolamine<br />

Phenylpropanolamine, an α-adrenergic compound commonly<br />

used to treat urinary incontinence in spayed<br />

bitches, has been proved to be effective in cases of<br />

retrograde ejaculation in infertile male dogs. The dose<br />

is 2 mg/kg q.24 h PO for 5 consecutive days or 3 mg/kg<br />

twice daily orally. The onset of action may take several<br />

days. Adverse effects may include restlessness, aggressiveness,<br />

irritability and hypertension.<br />

Aromatase inhibitors<br />

Aromatase inhibitors, such as formestane, exert an antiandrogenic<br />

effect by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone<br />

to estradiol 17β in peripheral tissues.<br />

Recently, some of these compounds (4-androsten-4-<br />

ol-3,17-dione) have been successfully used experimentally<br />

to improve spermatogenic function in<br />

oligozoospermic and azoospermic dogs.<br />


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AC 2005 Induction of parturition in the bitch with the progesteronereceptor<br />

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a dose titration study. In: Proceedings of the 4th International<br />

Symposium on Canine and Feline Reproduction, August 4-6,<br />

São Paulo, Brazil, pp 170-172<br />

Bhatti SFM, Duchateau L, Okkens AC, Van Ham LML, Mol JA,<br />

Kooistra HS 2006 Treatment of growth hormone excess in dogs<br />

with the progesterone receptor antagonist aglepristone.<br />

Theriogenology 66: 797-803<br />

Bogaerts P 2006 <strong>Clinical</strong> approach to genital and mammary<br />

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Buff S 2004 Luteal insufficiency and abortion. In: Proceedings of the<br />

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Buff S, Fontbonne A, Saint-Dizier M, Guerin P 1998 Induction of estrus<br />

with oral administration of cabergoline. In: Proceedings of the 1st<br />

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Reproduction), May 1-3, Barcelona, Spain, p 314<br />

Corrada Y, Arias D, Rodriguez R, Spaini E, Fava F, Gobello C 2004<br />

Effect of tamoxifen citrate on reproductive parameters of male dogs.<br />

Theriogenology 61: 1327-1341<br />

Corrada Y, Hermo G, de la Sota PE, Garcia P, Trigg T, Gobello C 2006<br />

A short term progestin treatment prevents estrous induction by a<br />

GnRH agonist implant in anestrous bitches. In: Proceedings of the<br />

5th EVSSAR Congress (European Veterinary Society for <strong>Small</strong><br />

<strong>Animal</strong> Reproduction), April 7-9, Budapest, Hungary, p 278<br />

Davidson AP 2006 When and how caesarean section can be avoided<br />

(medical management of labor). In: Proceedings of the 5th EVSSAR<br />

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Reproduction), April 7-9, Budapest, Hungary, pp 93-99<br />

England GCW 1997 Effect of progestins and androgens upon<br />

spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis in dogs. J Reprod Fertil<br />

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England GCW, Hewitt DA 1999 Mechanism and regulation of follicular<br />

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September 22nd , Lyon, France, p 51<br />

England GCW, Russo M 2004 Treatment of spontaneous pyometra in<br />

the bitch with a combination of cabergoline and prostaglandin. In:<br />

Proceedings of the 4th EVSSAR Congress (European Veterinary<br />

Society for <strong>Small</strong> <strong>Animal</strong> Reproduction), June 4-6, Barcelona, Spain,<br />

pp 277-278<br />

Feldman EC, Nelson RW 1989 Diagnosis and treatment alternatives<br />

for pyometra in dogs and cats. In: Kirk RW (ed.) Current veterinary<br />

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Fieni F 2006 Antiprogestins and obstetrics. In: Proceedings of the 5th<br />

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Reproduction), April 7-9, Budapest, Hungary, pp 123-128<br />

Fieni F, Fuhrer M, Tainturier D, Bruyas JF, Dridi S 1989 Use of<br />

cloprostenol for pregnancy termination in dogs. J Reprod Fertil<br />

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Fieni F, Verstegen J, Heraud D, Onclin K 1999 Physiologie de la<br />

prolactine, pharmacologiedes antiprolactiniques et applications chez<br />

la chienne. Prat Med Chirurg Anim Comp 34: 187-199<br />

Fieni F, Bruyas JF, Battut I, Tainturier D 2001 <strong>Clinical</strong> use of antiprogestins<br />

in the bitch. In: Concannon PW, England G, Verstegen J<br />

(eds) Recent advances in small animal reproduction. IVIS, NewYork<br />


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