Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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including many isolates of Escherichia, Klebsiella,<br />

Enterobacter, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus and<br />

Salmonella.<br />

● It has little or no activity against most strains of<br />

Proteus and no activity against Pseuodmonas.<br />

● Nitrofurans have moderate activity against anaerobic<br />

bacteria and are most active in anaerobic conditions.<br />

Some aerobic bacteria that are resistant under<br />

aerobic conditions are susceptible when tested under<br />

anaerobic conditions.<br />

● Nitrofurantoin is rapidly absorbed from the gut. It<br />

is rapidly eliminated (drug appears in the urine<br />

within 30 min of administration) and therapeutic<br />

blood concentrations cannot be maintained. Half-life<br />

in humans with normal renal function averages<br />

20 min. Approximately 40–50% of the drug is eliminated<br />

unchanged in the urine.<br />

● Adverse effects reported in small animals include<br />

gastrointestinal disturbances and hepatopathy.<br />

Furazolidone<br />

● Furazolidone has antiprotozoal and antibacterial<br />

activity. It is active against Giardia, Trichomonas<br />

and many coccidia as well as several Gram-negative<br />

aerobic bacteria.<br />

● It is used clinically in small animals to treat enteric<br />

infections caused by these organisms.<br />

● The degree to which furazolidone is absorbed has<br />

not been definitely established.<br />

● Adverse effects are uncommon but may include<br />

anorexia, vomiting, abdominal cramps and<br />

diarrhea.<br />


Clofazimine is a phazine dye that binds to DNA and<br />

may inhibit its function as a template. It is used in<br />

humans as part of multidrug protocols to treat leprosy.<br />

Clofazimine is used in cats to treat Mycobacterium lepraemurium<br />

and other nontuberculous mycobacterial<br />

infections. The clinical pharmacology of the drug and<br />

its adverse effect profile have not been well documented<br />

in small animals. In humans the adverse effect of most<br />

concern is dose-related skin, eye and body fluid discoloration<br />

(pink to brownish black) that occurs in most<br />

patients and can persist for months to years after the<br />

drug is discontinued. This effect has been reported to<br />

occur in animals. Hepatoxicity has been reported in a<br />

dog.<br />


Aminopenicillins<br />

Cephalosporins<br />

Lincosamides/macrolides<br />

Penicillin G<br />

Aminopenicillins<br />

Chloramphenicol<br />

Clindamycin<br />

Metronidazole<br />

Penicillin G<br />

Gram positive<br />

aerobes<br />

Obligate<br />

anaerobes<br />

Gram negative<br />

aerobes<br />

Penicillinaseproducing<br />

Staphylococcus<br />

Cephalosporins (2 nd and 3 rd generation)<br />

Aminoglycosides<br />

Fluoroquinolones<br />

Ticarcillin-clavulanate<br />

Amoxicillin-clavulanate<br />

Antistaphylococal penicillins<br />

Cephalosporins (1 st and 2 nd generation)<br />

Fluoroquinolones<br />

Rifampicin<br />

Vancomycin<br />

Fig. 8.25 Summary of drugs with excellent activity against most, although not necessarily all, pathogens in each<br />

quadrant.<br />

Aminoglycosides<br />

Metronidazole<br />

Gram positive<br />

aerobes<br />

Gram negative<br />

aerobes<br />

Lincosamides/macrolides<br />

Metronidazole<br />

Penicillin G<br />

Aminoglycosides<br />

Fluoroquinolones<br />

(currently in<br />

veterinary use)<br />

Obligate<br />

anaerobes<br />

Penicillinaseproducing<br />

Staphylococcus<br />

Aminopenicillins<br />

Metronidazole<br />

Penicillin G<br />

Fig. 8.26 Summary of drugs with no useful activity against most pathogens in each quadrant, although there may be<br />

some individual exceptions.<br />


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