Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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INDEX<br />

Metabolism<br />

dogs vs cats 47<br />

and elimination of inhalational<br />

anesthesia 87<br />

physiological basis 32–33<br />

Metabotropic receptors 114<br />

Metaflumizone 204, 222, 230<br />

Metered dose inhalers (MDI) and<br />

spacers 463<br />

Metergoline 533, 535<br />

Methadone 319, 322–323<br />

Methazolamide 571<br />

Methimazole 49<br />

Methicillin see Meticillin<br />

S-methoprene 204, 221, 222, 225<br />

Methotrexate 9, 336, 360–361<br />

Methoxyflurane 93–94<br />

adverse effects 51, 93–94<br />

drug interactions 94<br />

pharmacokinetics 89, 93<br />

N-methyl-D-asparate (NMDA) see<br />

NMDA receptors<br />

Methylergometrine 543<br />

Methylphenidate 133–134<br />

Methylprednisolone 51<br />

Methylxanthines 459, 461–462<br />

Meticillin 162<br />

resistance (MRSA) 162, 164, 165,<br />

168, 169, 179, 181, 184<br />

Metoclopramide 472–473, 535<br />

Metronidazole 151, 183<br />

adverse effects 49, 183<br />

antiprotozoal dosages 238<br />

clinical applications 183<br />

dosage 156<br />

Helicobacter species eradication<br />

483<br />

mechanism of action and<br />

resistance 183<br />

pharmacokinetics 183<br />

selective toxicity 202<br />

spectrum of activity 183<br />

Metyrapone 523–524<br />

Mexiletine 385, 427, 432–433<br />

Mezlocillin 163<br />

MGK 264 (N-Octyl bicycloheptene<br />

dicarboximide) 202, 232<br />

MGK 326 (Di-Npropylisocinchomeronate)<br />

222,<br />

232<br />

Mibolerone 538–539<br />

Micafungin 196<br />

Miconazole 189<br />

emollient 553<br />

ocular therapy 567<br />

Midazolam 118–120<br />

drug interactions 191<br />

as premedicant 315<br />

in status epilepticus 374<br />

Mifepristone 537–538<br />

Milbemycin oxime 206, 213<br />

Milbemycins 213–214<br />

Milrinone and amrinone 400–402<br />

Miotics 558, 569–570<br />

Misoprostol 480–481<br />

Mithramycin see Plicamycin<br />

Mitotane 522–523<br />

584<br />

Mixoxantrone<br />

(mitozantrone) 351–352<br />

Mobility, influence on<br />

pharmacokinetics 19<br />

Moisturizing agents 553–554<br />

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors<br />

(MAOIs) 9, 140–141<br />

drug interactions 141<br />

amitraz 204<br />

antihistamines 129, 130<br />

SSRIs 139–140<br />

tricyclic antidepressants 138<br />

Monoamine oxidase (MAO) 72<br />

Monoclonal antibody therapy 285<br />

Montelukast 467–468<br />

Montmorillonite 488–489<br />

MOPP chemotherapy 365<br />

Morphine 318–322<br />

adverse effects 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,<br />

320–322<br />

clinical applications 320<br />

contraindications and<br />

precautions 322<br />

drug interactions 322<br />

formulations and dose rates 320<br />

intra-articular 317<br />

mechanism of action 320<br />

pharmacokinetics 320<br />

Motility-modifying drugs 487–490<br />

Moxidectin 206, 213–214, 222<br />

MRSA resistance 162, 164, 165, 168,<br />

169, 179, 181, 184<br />

Mucolytics 465–467<br />

Multidrug resistance protein 1 (Mdr1)<br />

54 (see also P-glycoprotein or<br />

P-gp)<br />

Mupirocin 554<br />

Muramyl tripeptide 282<br />

Muscarinic acetylcholine (ACh)<br />

receptor 60–61, 65<br />

Muscarinic agonists 67–68, 127<br />

Muscarinic antagonists 68–69, 127<br />

Muscarinic receptors 8, 60–61, 65, 68<br />

airways 462<br />

and behavior 127<br />

drugs affecting 67–69, 127<br />

GIT 476<br />

Musculoskeletal system<br />

inhalational anesthesia effects 88<br />

morphine effects 321<br />

parasites 252<br />

Mydriatics 558, 569<br />

Myocardial toxicity due to<br />

doxorubicin 350<br />

Myocardial toxicity see Digitalis<br />

toxicity<br />

N<br />

Nalbuphine 319, 328–329<br />

Nalmefene 319, 329<br />

Nalorphine 319, 328<br />

Naloxone 133, 319<br />

Naltrexone 133<br />

Naproxen 305<br />

adverse effects 30, 297<br />

clinical applications 305<br />

mechanism of action 305<br />

pharmacokinetics 305<br />

Narrow-spectrum penicillins 161<br />

Natamycin 567<br />

Natural remedies and hepatic<br />

enzymes 51<br />

Nausea and vomiting, opioid<br />

analgesics 314, 321<br />

Naxolone 133, 328<br />

Neomycin 172<br />

ocular therapy 565<br />

Neonates<br />

adverse drug reaction (ADRs) 50<br />

antibacterials in 152<br />

drug metabolism in 19<br />

Neonicotinoids 228<br />

Neosporin ointment 564<br />

Neostigmine 65, 78<br />

Neuroendocrine modulation 412–418<br />

Neuroleptanesthesia 113<br />

Neurones, pre- and postganglionic<br />

59–60, 61<br />

Neurotransmission, ANS 61<br />

Neurotransmitters<br />

ANS 61, 62–64, 69–74<br />

CNS 113–114<br />

enteric 60<br />

New drugs/new chemical entities<br />

(NCEs)<br />

chemical characterization 21<br />

development 20–22<br />

discovery 20–21<br />

efficacy studies 21<br />

environmental fate and toxicity 21<br />

heart failure 423–424<br />

manufacturing process 21<br />

pharmacovigilance/postmarketing<br />

experiences 22<br />

regulatory review 22<br />

research 21<br />

safety 21<br />

triazoles 193–194<br />

New Zealand, reporting adverse drug<br />

reactions (ADRs) 57<br />

Niacinamide 279<br />

Nicergoline 144<br />

Niclosamide 201, 206, 207, 215–216<br />

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor<br />

nAChR 61, 65, 203<br />

Nicotinic agonists 66–67<br />

Nicotinic antagonists 67, 75–78<br />

Nicotinic anthelmintics 208–210<br />

Nicotinic receptors 9, 61, 65, 66<br />

Nifurtimox 203, 238, 243<br />

Nikkomycin Z 196<br />

Nikkomycins 196<br />

Nitenpyram 203, 228<br />

Nitrate tolerance 408<br />

Nitrates 408–411<br />

Nitric oxide (NO) 60–61, 64, 65<br />

Nitrofurans 184–185, 238<br />

Nitrofurantoin 156, 184–185<br />

Nitroglycerin 385, 403, 408–409<br />

paste 386<br />

Nitroimidazole 238<br />

Nitroprusside 403, 408, 410–411<br />

Nitroscanate 206, 220–221

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