Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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relatively insoluble in blood. This factor, coupled with<br />

a low solubility in tissues, accounts for the more rapid<br />

rate of onset, recovery and change of anesthetic depth<br />

associated with this agent.<br />

However, the oil:gas partition coefficient is low, hence<br />

the low potency and high MAC of desflurane (7.2% in<br />

the dog).<br />

Metabolism and elimination<br />

A further desirable feature of desflurane is its low rate<br />

of biotransformation. In people, as little as 0.02% of<br />

the inhaled dose of desflurane undergoes metabolism.<br />

Adverse effects<br />

Central nervous system effects<br />

Desflurane is typical of the inhalation anesthetics, reducing<br />

cerebral metabolic rate while increasing cerebral<br />

blood flow and thereby intracranial pressure. As for<br />

isoflurane and sevoflurane, the responsiveness of the<br />

cerebral vasculature to carbon dioxide is maintained. In<br />

addition, desflurane may have an unfavorable effect on<br />

CSF pressure, which tends to increase.<br />

Cardiovascular effects<br />

Cardiac output is frequently maintained at clinically<br />

useful concentrations, as it is for isoflurane and sevoflurane.<br />

Rapid increases in the inspired concentration of<br />

desflurane may elevate plasma levels of catecholamines<br />

leading to increases in heart rate and arterial blood<br />

pressure. Despite this, desflurane does not appear to<br />

sensitize the myocardium to adrenaline (epinephrine)-<br />

induced arrhythmias.<br />

Respiratory effects<br />

Desflurane produces dose-dependent depression of<br />

respiratory function. High inspired concentrations cause<br />

airway irritation, coughing, breath holding and laryngospasm<br />

in people and so this agent is not suitable for<br />

mask induction.<br />

Hepatic and renal effects<br />

Although desflurane undergoes limited biotransformation,<br />

trifluoroacetic acid is a potential metabolite. Cases<br />

of desflurane-induced hepatitis have been reported<br />

although the incidence is extremely low. Desflurane<br />

causes minimal depression of renal blood flow and there<br />

is no evidence of nephrotoxicity.<br />

Methoxyflurane<br />

Methoxyflurane was once a popular inhalation agent,<br />

used primarily in small animal anesthesia. However,<br />

it has been largely superseded by newer, safer agents.<br />

Today it is mainly of interest as an example of a less<br />

than ideal volatile anesthetic.<br />

Pharmacokinetics<br />

Chemical and physical properties<br />

Methoxyflurane is a halogenated ether (see Fig. 5.1). It<br />

is nonflammable but unstable and so an antioxidant<br />

preservative must be included. It has an unusually low<br />

vapor pressure (see Table 5.2) so does not readily evaporate.<br />

This feature may limit the usefulness of an inhalation<br />

anesthetic, i.e. if a therapeutic vapor concentration<br />

cannot be achieved. In this case the impact of low vapor<br />

pressure is largely offset by the high potency of<br />

methoxyflurane.<br />

Solubility<br />

The blood:gas partition coefficient for methoxyflurane<br />

is high, so induction, recovery and rate of change of<br />

anesthetic depth are slowed. This is compounded by a<br />

high solubility in the tissues, particularly fat.<br />

Furthermore, methoxyflurane has a high solubility in<br />

rubber and will dissolve in components of the breathing<br />

system.<br />

Methoxyflurane is an extremely potent inhalation<br />

anesthetic as indicated by its very high oil:gas partition<br />

coefficient and extremely low MAC value – 0.29% in<br />

the dog.<br />

Metabolism and elimination<br />

Methoxyflurane undergoes extensive hepatic biotransformation<br />

and as much as 50% of the inhaled agent is<br />

metabolized in people. The main metabolites are fluoride,<br />

dichloroacetic acid and oxalic acid. Recent studies<br />

have shown that methoxyflurane also undergoes significant<br />

metabolism to fluoride within the kidney itself.<br />

Adverse effects<br />

The side effects of methoxyflurane are typical of the<br />

older inhalation agents such as halothane.<br />

Central nervous system effects<br />

Methoxyflurane is an extremely potent anesthetic. Some<br />

authors suggest that it also possesses analgesic properties<br />

that extend into the recovery period, but it is unclear<br />

if this simply reflects the delayed recovery from this<br />

agent.<br />

Cardiovascular effects<br />

Like halothane, methoxyflurane depresses myocardial<br />

contractility, reducing cardiac output and arterial blood<br />

pressure. It is also capable of sensitizing the heart to<br />

adrenaline (epinephrine)-induced arrhythmias, but this<br />

effect is much less common than with halothane.<br />

Renal effects<br />

Free fluoride, the main metabolite of methoxyflurane,<br />

is potentially nephrotoxic. Traditionally the risk of<br />

nephrotoxicity has been correlated to plasma fluoride<br />


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