Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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standard nomenclature, also known as ORL-1) that<br />

interacts with some opioid-like peptides orphanin-FQ<br />

or nociceptin but not the classic opioid drugs. The<br />

potential role of this receptor in pain control is still<br />

being investigated.<br />

Other types and subtypes of opioid receptor have<br />

been suggested on the basis of indirect pharmacological<br />

evidence but their existence has either been ruled out or<br />

they have not yet been clearly established. The sigma<br />

(σ) receptor is no longer considered to be an opioid<br />

receptor.<br />

The epsilon (ε) receptor is not a distinct opioid receptor,<br />

being best explained by the presence of a very low<br />

density of µ receptors in some tissues. The suggestion<br />

that a subtype of µ-receptor is the target of the<br />

major active metabolite of morphine, morphine-6-<br />

glucuronide, has little or no experimental support.<br />

Further receptor subclassifications such as µ1 and µ2,<br />

δ1 and δ2 and κ1 and κ2 are controversial. It remains<br />

possible but not established that some subtypes arise<br />

from alternatively spliced mRNA products of transcripts<br />

of the three major receptors, or from hetero-oligomerization<br />

among the three major receptor types. The κ3<br />

subtype is no longer accepted.<br />

Effector mechanisms<br />

Opioid drugs mimic the actions of endogenous opioids<br />

(endorphins), which are peptides produced in the<br />

nervous and endocrine systems that stimulate opioid<br />

receptors. A number of opioid peptides ranging in size<br />

from five to over 30 amino acids are synthesized from<br />

the three large precursors: pro-opioimelanocortin, proenkephalin<br />

and prodynorphin. Endogenous opioid<br />

systems appear to usually have only weak tonic activity<br />

but become highly active under certain environmental<br />

conditions, e.g. during extreme stress and pain. The<br />

analgesic activity of some opioid drugs (e.g. tramadol)<br />

is due to interaction with opioid receptors as well as<br />

other neurotransmitter systems.<br />

Different opioid drugs bind to distinct opioid receptors<br />

with varying degrees of affinity and have differing<br />

durations of action, which result in different pharmacological<br />

profiles. To complicate matters, a given opioid<br />

drug may act as an agonist, a partial agonist or an<br />

antagonist at each type of receptor (Fig. 14.1). Selection<br />

of an opioid for a particular use depends on these<br />

properties as well as its absorption, distribution<br />

and metabolism.<br />

All the cloned opioid receptor types belong to the<br />

Gi/Go-coupled superfamily of receptors. Under normal<br />

circumstances opioid receptors do not couple directly<br />

with Gs or Gq and none of the cloned receptors forms<br />

a ligand-gated ion channel. All three classic receptor<br />

types (µ, δ and κ) and the NOP-receptor couple through<br />

Gi/Go proteins generally share common effector mechanisms,<br />

e.g. they can all activate inwardly rectifying<br />

potassium conductance and inhibit voltage-operated<br />

calcium conductances in cell membranes to produce<br />

inhibition of excitability. However, different responses<br />

can be evoked in different cell types in response to activation<br />

of different opioid receptors. These are likely<br />

to reflect changes in the expression of G proteins and<br />

effector systems between cell types rather than any<br />

inherent differences in the properties of the receptors<br />

themselves.<br />

Opioid receptor activation produces a wide array of<br />

cellular responses, the net result of which depends upon<br />

the location of each receptor type in the nervous system<br />

and on the specific biochemical cascades activated in<br />

different types of cell. For example, µ-opioid receptors<br />

are located throughout neural systems responsible for<br />

pain sensation, from the spinal cord to the brain. The<br />

inhibition of pain transmission produced by µ-opioid<br />

agonists is highly selective and other sensory modalities<br />

are not disrupted. µ-Receptors also occur on nerve cells<br />

responsible for generating respiratory rhythms in the<br />

brainstem and thus depress respiration when stimulated.<br />

Receptor selectivity, distribution and pharmacological<br />

responses produced by opioid agonists are summarized<br />

in Table 14.1.<br />

All opioid receptors appear to function primarily by<br />

exerting inhibitory modulation of synaptic transmission<br />

in both the CNS and various peripheral nerve cells,<br />

including the myenteric plexus. Receptors are often<br />

found on presynaptic nerve terminals, where their action<br />

results in decreased release of neurotransmitters, or on<br />

nerve cell bodies, where they inhibit the generation of<br />

action potentials. In some parts of the nervous system<br />

opioid receptors inhibit excitatory neurotransmission<br />

and in others release of inhibitory neurotransmitters is<br />

impaired, leading to disinhibition or a net excitatory<br />

effect.<br />

Known drug interactions with opioid receptors<br />

Some opioids act with high efficacy and potency at one<br />

receptor type and with much lower potency and lower<br />

efficacy at other receptors; these are called full agonists,<br />

e.g. morphine at µ-receptors. Some opioids are partial<br />

agonists at one receptor type, e.g. buprenorphine is a<br />

partial µ-receptor agonist with little activity at other<br />

types. Others are mixed agonist-antagonists, having<br />

agonist actions at one receptor type and antagonist<br />

activity at others (e.g. nalbuphine is a µ-antagonist as<br />

well as a κ-agonist).<br />

Endogenous opioid peptides display some selectivity<br />

for different receptor types. Enkephalins and β-<br />

endorphin interact selectively with both µ- and δ-<br />

receptors. Dynorphins are selective for κ-receptors and<br />

endomorphins are selective for µ-receptors; however,<br />

the existence of endomorphins will remain tentative<br />


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