Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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Pharmacokinetics<br />

Chemical and physical properties<br />

Isoflurane is a halogenated ether (see Fig. 5.1). It is a<br />

nonflammable and stable anesthetic vapor. It is not<br />

degraded by ultraviolet light and the inclusion of<br />

preservatives is unnecessary.<br />

Solubility<br />

Isoflurane has a lower blood:gas partition coefficient<br />

than halothane (see Table 5.2) and is therefore associated<br />

with a more rapid induction, recovery and rate of<br />

change of anesthetic depth. The oil:gas partition coefficient<br />

is also lower and this reflects the lower potency<br />

and higher MAC of isoflurane (≈1.3% in the dog). Solubility<br />

in tissues such as fat is slightly less than for<br />

halothane.<br />

Metabolism and elimination<br />

In people, the rate of metabolism of isoflurane is<br />

extremely low, less than 0.2%, and virtually all the<br />

isoflurane inhaled is exhaled unchanged. What metabolism<br />

there is occurs in the liver and the main products<br />

are trifluoroacetic acid and inorganic fluoride ions.<br />

Adverse effects<br />

Central nervous system effects<br />

Isoflurane produces less cerebral vasodilation than<br />

halothane, while still reducing metabolic oxygen consumption.<br />

The reduced oxygen requirement is usually<br />

sufficient to compensate for any tendency towards<br />

impaired oxygen delivery. Thus, isoflurane is preferred<br />

over halothane when anesthetizing patients with elevated<br />

intracranial pressure. Furthermore, isoflurane,<br />

unlike halothane, does not impair the responsiveness of<br />

the cerebral circulation to carbon dioxide and hyperventilation<br />

can be used to lower intracranial pressure in<br />

isoflurane-anesthetized patients.<br />

Cardiovascular effects<br />

Isoflurane does depress myocardial contractility, but to<br />

a lesser degree than halothane. Heart rate tends to<br />

increase slightly so that at light-to-moderate levels of<br />

anesthesia, cardiac output is often maintained. Isoflurane,<br />

like halothane, frequently causes arterial blood<br />

pressure to fall. However, decreased vascular resistance,<br />

rather than reduced cardiac output, is the main mechanism<br />

involved.<br />

As a halogenated ether, isoflurane is associated with<br />

a much lower incidence of arrhythmias than<br />

halothane.<br />

Respiratory effects<br />

Isoflurane depresses ventilation to a greater extent than<br />

halothane; therefore arterial partial pressure of carbon<br />

dioxide is likely to rise. Bronchodilation is a potentially<br />

beneficial side effect.<br />

Hepatic effects<br />

Although isoflurane decreases hepatic portal vein blood<br />

flow, hepatic arterial blood flow is increased. The overall<br />

effect is a reduction in hepatic blood flow of lesser<br />

magnitude than that seen with halothane. Consequently<br />

hepatic injury related to hepatocyte hypoxia is less likely<br />

to occur. Trifluoroacetic acid is a potential metabolite<br />

of isoflurane and a condition similar to halothane<br />

hepatitis has been reported in humans, although the<br />

incidence is extremely low.<br />

Renal effects<br />

Metabolism of isoflurane is minimal; therefore very little<br />

fluoride is generated and renal toxicity is unlikely. As<br />

for halothane, renal blood flow and glomerular filtration<br />

rate may be reduced.<br />

Skeletal muscle effects<br />

Isoflurane can trigger malignant hyperthermia in susceptible<br />

individuals. It produces good muscle relaxation<br />

and may maintain better muscle blood flow than<br />

halothane.<br />

Contraindications and precautions<br />

Absolute contraindications are few:<br />

● patients susceptible to malignant hyperthermia.<br />

Known drug interactions<br />

Isoflurane potentiates nondepolarizing neuromuscular<br />

blocking drugs to a greater extent than halothane.<br />

Sevoflurane<br />

<strong>Clinical</strong> applications<br />

Sevoflurane is a recently introduced agent that is gaining<br />

popularity in veterinary anesthesia. It has many features<br />

in common with isoflurane but is less potent. Unlike<br />

isoflurane, it lacks a pungent odor and is said to be<br />

pleasant to inhale, rendering it suitable for mask<br />

induction.<br />

Pharmacokinetics<br />

Chemical and physical properties<br />

Sevoflurane is a halogenated ether (see Fig. 5.1). It is<br />

stable and nonflammable.<br />

Sevoflurane reacts with the alkaline carbon dioxide<br />

absorbents commonly used in rebreathing anesthetic<br />

systems to yield a potentially toxic product, compound<br />

A (CF 2 =C[CF 3 ]−O−CH 2 F). A variety of factors can<br />

influence the generation of compound A and production<br />

appears to be increased by:<br />


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