Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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The viscosity of pulmonary mucus secretions depends<br />

on the concentration of mucoproteins and DNA. Mucus<br />

chains are cross-linked by disulfide bonds and it is this<br />

chemical bond that is affected by some mucolytic agents<br />

(see N-acetylcysteine below). The feline species is somewhat<br />

unique in forming sialic acid residues within the<br />

mucus strands and this imparts a particularly viscous<br />

nature to feline mucus. While mucoprotein is the main<br />

determinant of viscosity in normal mucus, in purulent<br />

inflammation the mucus concentration of DNA increases<br />

(because of increased cellular debris) and so does its<br />

contribution to viscosity. Importantly, although water is<br />

incorporated into the mucus gel matrix during mucus<br />

formation, topically applied water is not absorbed into<br />

the already formed mucus plug.<br />

<strong>Clinical</strong> applications<br />

Dogs and cats with lower airway inflammatory diseases<br />

will produce large amounts of relatively viscous inflammatory<br />

exudate and mucus which is firmly attached to<br />

the lining of bronchioles and bronchi. By effectively<br />

increasing bronchial wall thickness, this thick adherent<br />

mucus can exacerbate the ‘lumen-narrowing’ effects of<br />

bronchial constriction, enhance the overall inflammatory<br />

process and potentiate persistent coughing. In this situation,<br />

mucolytic therapy has theoretical value in facilitating<br />

resolution of the inflammatory airway disease.<br />

In general, mucolytic drugs act by altering mucus<br />

structure through changes in pH, direct proteolysis and/<br />

or disruption of disulfide bond linkages. The two most<br />

frequently prescribed mucolytic drugs in veterinary<br />

practice are described below. It is also worth remembering<br />

that normal saline, directly administered to the<br />

airways by nebulization, is an effective mucolytic and<br />

expectorant.<br />

Bromhexine hydrochloride<br />

Bromhexine hydrochloride is a synthetic derivative of<br />

the alkaloid vasicine.<br />

Mechanism of action<br />

Bromhexine decreases mucus viscosity by increasing<br />

lysosomal activity. This increased lysosomal activity<br />

enhances hydrolysis of acid mucopolysaccharide polymers,<br />

which significantly contribute to normal mucus<br />

viscosity. It should be remembered that, in purulent<br />

bronchial inflammation, bronchial mucus viscosity is<br />

more dependent upon the large amount of DNA present.<br />

As bromhexine does not affect the DNA content, its<br />

mucolytic action is limited in these situations.<br />

It has also been suggested that bromhexine increases<br />

the permeability of the alveolar–capillary barrier, resulting<br />

in increased concentrations of certain antibiotics<br />

in luminal secretions. Furthermore, over time (2–3 d),<br />

bromhexine results in a significant increase in immunoglobulin<br />

concentrations and a decline in albumin and<br />

β-globulin concentrations in respiratory secretions. The<br />

increased immunoglobulins are IgA and IgG; IgM levels<br />

remain unchanged. It has been hypothesized that because<br />

of these effects concurrent administration of bromhexine<br />

and an antimicrobial agent will facilitate treatment<br />

of infectious tracheobronchitis.<br />

Formulations and dose rates<br />

The mucolytic dose of bromhexine hydrochloride in dogs and cats is<br />

2 mg/kg/12 h PO for 7–10 d, then 1 mg/kg/12 h for a further<br />

7–10 d.<br />

Pharmacokinetics<br />

Following oral administration, bromhexine is rapidly<br />

absorbed, with peak plasma levels being reached within<br />

1 h. As it is lipophilic, it is rapidly redistributed, undergoes<br />

extensive hepatic metabolism and is excreted via<br />

the urine and bile.<br />

Adverse effects<br />

Adverse effects to bromhexine are extremely<br />

uncommon.<br />

Acetylcysteine<br />

Acetylcysteine is the N-acetyl derivative of the naturally<br />

occurring amino acid L-cysteine.<br />

Mechanism of action<br />

When administered directly into airways, acetylcysteine<br />

reduces viscosity of both purulent and nonpurulent<br />

secretions. This effect is thought to be a result of the<br />

free sulfhydryl group on acetylcysteine reducing the<br />

disulfide linkages in mucoproteins, which are thought<br />

to be at least partly responsible for the particularly<br />

viscoid nature of respiratory mucus. The mucolytic<br />

activity of acetylcysteine is unaltered by the presence of<br />

DNA and increases with increasing pH.<br />

Formulations and dose rates<br />

Mucolytic<br />

For effective mucolytic activity, an acetylcysteine solution should be<br />

nebulized and administered directly to the respiratory mucosa as an<br />

aerosol. The dose rate in dogs and cats is 5–10 mg/kg for 30 min<br />

every 12 h. Additionally, there is at least one report of improved gas<br />

exchange in dogs with experimentally induced bronchoconstriction<br />

treated with oral acetylcysteine.<br />

Acetylcysteine is available as 10% and 20% solutions of the sodium<br />

salt in various sized vials. This solution can be readily used in a nebulizer<br />

undiluted, although dilution with sterile saline will reduce the risk<br />

of reactive bronchospasm.<br />


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