Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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INDEX<br />

Drug receptors 4–8<br />

Drug–drug hypersensitivity 55<br />

Drug–receptor interaction 5–6<br />

effect 6–7<br />

Drug-induced antibody<br />

production 150<br />

Drugs compendia 11<br />

Dry eye therapy 570, 572–573<br />

DTIC chemotherapy 336, 363<br />

E<br />

Ear see Topical ear medications<br />

eCG (PMSG) 531, 532<br />

Echinocandins 196<br />

Econazole 189<br />

Edrophonium chloride 78<br />

EDTA 506<br />

Efficacy studies, new chemical entities<br />

(NCEs) 21<br />

Eflornithine 202<br />

Eicosanoid fatty acids 541–543<br />

Electrolyte abnormalities<br />

digitalis 450<br />

diuretics 389<br />

Elimination half-life 2–3, 34, 38–39<br />

Emetic agents 496–497<br />

Emodepside 204, 206, 214<br />

Emollients 553<br />

laxative 485<br />

Emulsions 554<br />

Enalapril 381, 412, 413–414,<br />

416–417<br />

adverse effects 416<br />

formulations and dose rates 384,<br />

386, 403, 416<br />

pharmacokinetics 416–417<br />

End of treatment (Type E) adverse<br />

drug reactions (ADRs) 42<br />

Endectocides (avermectin-milbemycin<br />

class) 210–211<br />

Endothelin receptor antagonists<br />

424<br />

Enrofloxacin 46, 49, 181–183<br />

antiprotozoal uses 240<br />

ocular therapy 564<br />

Enteric nervous system (ENS) 60<br />

Enteric-coated tablets 16<br />

Enterohepatic circulation 30, 33, 50<br />

antibacterial drug recycling 149,<br />

174<br />

atovaquone recycling 238`<br />

diazepam recycling 119<br />

fipronil sulfone recycling 229<br />

leflunomide metabolite recycling<br />

278<br />

methotrexate recycling 361<br />

NSAID recycling 292, 295<br />

Ursodeoxycholic acid recycling<br />

491<br />

warfarin recycling 456<br />

Environmental issues<br />

antibacterials 150–151<br />

drug labeling 23<br />

inhalational anesthesia 89<br />

new chemical entities (NCEs) 21<br />

shampoos 548–549<br />

580<br />

Enzyme induction 17, 32–33, 51<br />

Enzyme inhibition 4, 17, 33, 51<br />

Ephedrine 80–81, 143<br />

Epidural 110<br />

morphine effects 321<br />

Epinephrine (adrenaline) 61, 69, 72,<br />

78–79<br />

adverse effects 79<br />

clinical applications 78–79<br />

contraindications and<br />

precautions 79<br />

convertion of noradrenaline to<br />

128<br />

drug interactions 79, 79, 110, 111,<br />

116<br />

formulations and dose rates 79<br />

pharmacokinetics 79<br />

Epirubicin 352<br />

Epsiprantel 203, 206, 217<br />

Ergocalciferol 507<br />

Ergot alkaloids 74<br />

behavior modification 145–146<br />

Ergotamine 74<br />

Errors, medical and medication 14–15<br />

Erythromycin 484–485<br />

adverse effects 152, 484<br />

clinical applications 178<br />

drug interactions 484–485<br />

formulations and dose rates 484<br />

mechanism of action 484<br />

ocular therapy 565<br />

pharmacokinetics 484<br />

prokinetic action 484–485<br />

Esmolol 419, 427, 437<br />

Esophageal parasites 245<br />

Estradiol and derivatives 540–541<br />

Estrogen receptor 9<br />

Estrogens 540–541<br />

Estrus cycle 528–529<br />

Estrus induction 529, 530, 531–532,<br />

534<br />

Estrus postponement/suppression 536,<br />

539<br />

Ethanol 51<br />

Ethanolamine derivatives 266<br />

Ethylenediamine derivatives 266<br />

Ethyl lactate 552<br />

Etodolac 299<br />

Etomidate 96, 103–104<br />

Etoposide 9, 333, 336, 338–339<br />

European Agency for the Evaluation<br />

of Medicinal Products (EMEA)<br />

46–47<br />

Excipients 13<br />

Excretion, physiological basis of<br />

33<br />

Exocrine pancreatic enzyme<br />

replacements 516<br />

Exocrine pancreatic<br />

insufficiency 515–516<br />

Expectorants 467<br />

Extra-label uses 26, 45, 68<br />

Extradural administration of<br />

opioids 316–317<br />

Eye<br />

parasites 257–258<br />

see also Topical ophthalmic therapy<br />

F<br />

Facilitated diffusion 29<br />

Failure of treatment (Type F) adverse<br />

drug reactions (ADRs) 42, 43<br />

Famotidine 478, 479<br />

Helicobacter species eradication<br />

483<br />

Fat<br />

anesthetic agent solubility 89, 91,<br />

92, 93, 98<br />

body composition and dose<br />

calculation 48–49<br />

blood flow 32<br />

body fat and pharmacokinetic<br />

effects 19<br />

drug accumulation 31, 32, 48, 214,<br />

232<br />

high-fat meal and pharmacokinetic<br />

effects 15, 16<br />

atovaquone 238, 242<br />

benzimidazoles 205, 208<br />

ciclosporin 274<br />

griseofulvin 194<br />

voriconazole 191<br />

Febantel 204, 206, 207, 208<br />

adverse effects 48, 208<br />

antiprotozoal action 238<br />

Felbamate 368, 377–378<br />

Feline cardiomyopathies 383, 386,<br />

388<br />

Feline infectious anemia 153<br />

Feliway 144–145<br />

Female reproductive<br />

physiology 528–529<br />

Fenbendazole 204, 206, 208<br />

antiprotozoal action 238<br />

Fenoxycarb 225<br />

Fentanyl 319, 323–324<br />

patches 317–318<br />

Fenthion 201, 222<br />

Fever<br />

antibacterials, adjunctive<br />

treatments 156<br />

drug metabolism in 19, 52<br />

nonimmunologically mediated 56<br />

NSAIDs 288<br />

Fick’s law of diffusion 28<br />

Finasteride 539–540<br />

Fipronil 203, 222, 228–229<br />

Firocoxib 287, 299–300<br />

First aid<br />

drug labeling 23<br />

prescribing principles 26<br />

First-order process 34<br />

First-pass effect 2, 30, 50–51<br />

Florfenicol 156, 176<br />

Fluanisone 116–117<br />

Flubendazole 206, 207<br />

Flucazole 567<br />

Flucloxacillin 162<br />

Fluconazole 189, 192<br />

adverse effects 191<br />

pharmacokinetics 190<br />

Flucytosine 189<br />

ocular therapy 567<br />

9α-fludrocortisone 526

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