Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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Table 20.3 Potential causes of hypocalcemia. The disorders<br />

highlighted in bold are those that require specific therapy for<br />

hypocalcemia. Those italicized may or may not require<br />

treatment depending on the severity of the hypocalcemia<br />

Hypoparathyroidism<br />

Eclampsia<br />

Pancreatitis<br />

Phosphate enema toxicosis<br />

Ethylene glycol toxicity<br />

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome<br />

Tumor lysis syndrome<br />

Malabsorption<br />

Renal failure<br />

Medullary carcinoma of thyroid<br />

cal hypocalcemia. Given the large number of hyperthyroid<br />

cats in some countries that undergo bilateral<br />

thyroidectomy, iatrogenic hypoparathyroidism is relatively<br />

commonly encountered.<br />

The clinical signs of hypocalcemia generally relate to<br />

the neuromuscular system. These signs include focal<br />

muscle spasms or fasciculations, tremors, twitching,<br />

tetany and generalized seizures. The number and severity<br />

of these signs relate to the magnitude of the hypocalcemia<br />

and the rate of change of ionized calcium.<br />

Once hypocalcemia induces neuromuscular signs,<br />

particularly tetany or seizures, prompt treatment is<br />

required.<br />


Once persistent clinical hypercalcemia has been identified,<br />

treatment is warranted while the underlying cause<br />

is identified. Generally, short-term success is achieved<br />

using simple measures such as intravenous fluid therapy<br />

with or without diuretic administration. More prolonged<br />

control will require more specific intervention<br />

and currently bisphosphonates are the most appropriate<br />

and potent drugs available.<br />

General supportive therapy<br />

Intravenous fluid therapy<br />

Many hypercalcemic animals are dehydrated when presented<br />

which exacerbates the hypercalcemia. Rehydration<br />

with mild volume expansion eliminates the effects<br />

of dehydration and promotes calciuresis.<br />

Normal saline is the fluid of choice as it contains no<br />

additional calcium and it promotes calciuresis as sodium<br />

competes with calcium for tubular resorption. Potassium<br />

supplementation may be required.<br />

Approximately 2–3 times maintenance (120–180 mL/<br />

kg/d) is required over the dehydration deficit (this can<br />

be replaced in the first 4–6 h).<br />

Care should be taken to avoid volume overload.<br />

Diuretic therapy<br />

The loop diuretic furosemide enhances the effect of<br />

volume expansion by inhibiting calcium resorption in<br />

the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. By contrast,<br />

thiazide diuretics are unhelpful as they decrease<br />

calcium excretion, thereby promoting hypercalcemia.<br />

Furosemide may also protect against the risk of volume<br />

overload associated with saline diuresis.<br />

Furosemide is initially administered intravenously as<br />

a 5 mg/kg bolus followed by a 5 mg/kg infusion or 2–<br />

4 mg/kg q.8–12 h.<br />

The use of furosemide should only be considered once<br />

any dehydration deficits have been replaced and volume<br />

expansion instituted.<br />

Glucocorticoids<br />

Glucocorticoids decrease circulating calcium concentration<br />

potentially through a variety of mechanisms<br />

although few have been specifically evaluated in dogs or<br />

cats. Glucocorticoids counter the effect of 1,25(OH) 2 D<br />

and enhance renal excretion of calcium. Glucocorticoids<br />

are also cytotoxic to neoplastic lymphocytes and can<br />

inhibit the growth of neoplastic tissue and consequently<br />

may decrease circulating calcium concentration in<br />

malignancy-associated hypercalcemia.<br />

However, their use can interfere with diagnostic tests<br />

and may adversely affect the response to the treatment<br />

of some disorders producing hypercalcemia (e.g. various<br />

malignancies, granulomatous disorders due to infectious<br />

agents). As a result, the use of glucocorticoids in<br />

managing hypercalcemia is usually limited to the hypercalcemia<br />

associated with vitamin D intoxication (including<br />

granulomatous disease) or in cats with idiopathic<br />

hypercalcemia where glucocorticoids alone have<br />

reportedly been effective.<br />

Prednisolone is the most common agent used at a<br />

dose of 1–2 mg/kg/12 h. Alternatively dexamethasone<br />

at a dose of 0.1–0.2 mg/kg/12 h can be used. These<br />

drugs are administered orally, subcutaneously or<br />

intravenously.<br />

Adverse effects of glucocorticoids are described elsewhere<br />

(Chapter 11). However, it is worth noting here<br />

that glucocorticoids potentially increase the risk of<br />

calcium oxalate urolithiasis in hypercalcemia but this<br />

is usually countered by a decrease in the filtered load<br />

of calcium as the hypercalcemia itself is addressed.<br />

Additionally dexamethasone’s long half-life markedly<br />

increases the likelihood of adverse effects when it is used<br />

for any significant period with dosing frequencies of less<br />

than 48 hourly.<br />

Bisphosphonates<br />

The bisphosphonates are pyrophosphate analogs<br />

that act as inhibitors of bone mineralization.<br />


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