Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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Formulations and dose rates—cont’d<br />

overall success rate in treating pyometra in bitches: 84.4% vs<br />

60%<br />

• Combination of aglepristone and PGE 1 : the concomitant use of<br />

aglepristone 10 mg/kg at day 1 (d1), d2, d8, d15 (with a fi nal<br />

treatment on d29 if some vulvar discharge still persists) and<br />

misoprostol (10 µg/kg PO q.12 h d3 to d12) leads to a<br />

signifi cant clinical improvement in 75% of cases without the<br />

side effects of PGF 2α<br />

• Use of aglepristone alone: aglepristone 10 mg/kg has been<br />

used to treat open or closed pyometra at day 1 (d1), d2, d8 and<br />

d15 (with a fi nal treatment on d29 if some vulvar discharge still<br />

persists). In cases of closed-cervix pyometra, a purulent vulvar<br />

discharge was observed from 36 to 48 h after the start of<br />

treatment, due to the induced opening of the uterine cervix. The<br />

pyometra resolved in most cases.<br />

Induction of parturition<br />

It may be desirable to induce parturition during daylight or working<br />

hours, thus facilitating its supervision by the bitch’s owners. Although<br />

some success using aglepristone for this purpose has been reported,<br />

the studies have only been performed in beagle bitches. Therefore, it<br />

is too early to confi rm the effi cacy of the following experimental<br />

procedures.<br />

• Use of aglepristone plus oxytocin or PGF 2α: aglepristone (15 mg/<br />

kg SC) was administered at 58 d of pregnancy in 10 bitches;<br />

24 h later, the bitches were treated SC with either oxytocin<br />

(0.15 UI/kg) or the synthetic prostaglandin alfaprostol (0.08 mg/<br />

kg) every 2 h until parturition. On average, parturition<br />

commenced 32 h (29.7–34.5 h) after aglepristone administration.<br />

In a further study using aglepristone and oxytocin with the<br />

same protocol, the onset of induced parturition in beagle<br />

bitches occurred between 29.7 and 32 h<br />

• Use of aglepristone alone: aglepristone (15 mg/kg) was<br />

administered twice (q.9 h) at 58 d of pregnancy. Expulsion of<br />

the fi rst pup occurred between 35 and 56 h after treatment<br />

(mean 41.0 ± 3.7 h)<br />

Planning of an elective cesarean section<br />

• Injection of 15 mg/kg aglepristone 18–24 h before a planned C-<br />

section may induce fi nal fetal maturation, thus preventing the<br />

release of premature puppies. However, further studies are<br />

needed to confi rm this hypothesis<br />

Treatment of acromegaly (growth hormone excess)<br />

• Acromegaly in dogs (but not cats) is almost always due to a<br />

progestin-induced hypersecretion of growth hormone (GH). In a<br />

recent study, preliminary data suggested that aglepristone may<br />

be effective in treating acromegaly in bitches<br />


Induced abortion<br />

• The dose is slightly higher than in dogs: two repeated SC<br />

injections 15 mg/kg at 24-h intervals between day 0 and day<br />

45 after mating. The effectiveness of this protocol is greater<br />

before implantation (95%) than after implantation (85%).<br />

Termination of pregnancy is achieved in 50% of the queens<br />

within 3 d. In most cases, the following interestrus interval is<br />

signifi cantly shortened and the queen rapidly comes into heat<br />

with high fertility.<br />

Conservative treatment of pyometra<br />

• The combination of aglepristone and PGF 2α described above<br />

may be successfully used in queens.<br />

Treatment of mammary fibroadenomatosis<br />

Different protocols have been published.<br />

• 20 mg/kg (SC once a week) until complete mammary<br />

regression<br />

• 10 mg/kg on two consecutive days, once weekly<br />

• Usually a minimum of 4–6 weeks is needed for a complete<br />

mammary regression<br />

Pharmacokinetics<br />

There are no data on aglepristone pharmacokinetics in<br />

dogs and cats in the literature but they are probably<br />

similar to mifepristone. Enteric absorption of mifepristone<br />

after oral administration occurs very quickly. The<br />

transport of mifepristone in the blood occurs with a<br />

high binding affinity (98%) to plasma protein. Its<br />

plasma half-life is around 18 h. Its metabolism occurs<br />

mainly in the liver. Elimination occurs mainly in the<br />

feces, via the bile (90%), but also in urine (10%).<br />

Adverse effects<br />

Side effects that may be observed with aglepristone<br />

treatment include restlessness, anorexia, emesis, diarrhea,<br />

drop of rectal temperature, vulvar discharge.<br />

Metritis requiring specific therapy using PGF 2α<br />

developed in 5.7% (5/88) bitches treated for induced<br />

abortion.<br />

Contraindications and precautions<br />

None reported.<br />

Known drugs interaction<br />

None reported.<br />

Testosterone and derivatives<br />

Widely used in the past for a variety of conditions, testosterone<br />

is of no clinical use in small animal reproduction.<br />

The 19-nor-steroid mibolerone is the only related<br />

drug of use.<br />


Testosterone cypionate, testosterone propionate and<br />

testosterone ethanate are synthetic esters of testosterone.<br />

Mibolerone or dimethyl-nortestosterone is a synthetic,<br />

androgenic, anabolic steroid.<br />

Mechanism of action<br />

Mibolerone blocks the release of LH from the anterior<br />

pituitary by negative feedback.<br />


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