Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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antifungal therapy). However, at doses higher than<br />

those recommended for antifungal activity, ketoconazole<br />

can inhibit steroid synthesis.<br />

Ketoconazole is an effective inhibitor of adrenal and<br />

gonadol steroidogenesis primarily as a result of its<br />

inhibition of the 17-hydroxylation activity of P450 17α .<br />

In other words, ketoconazole inhibits the conversion of<br />

progesterone and pregnenolone to 17α-hydroxyprogesterone<br />

and 17α-hydroxypregnenolone. At higher doses,<br />

ketoconazole also inhibits P450 scc , effectively blocking<br />

steroidogenesis in all primary steroidogenic tissues (see<br />

Fig. 22.1).<br />

Formulations and dose rates<br />

For the treatment of hyperadrenocorticism a dose of 15 mg/kg/12 h<br />

is generally recommended. Most authors suggest starting at a dose<br />

of 5 mg/kg/12 h for 7 d and if no adverse effects are noticed, increasing<br />

the dose to 10 mg/kg/12 h for 14 d and evaluating adrenal suppression<br />

with an ACTH stimulation test at the end of this period.<br />

Although a small number of cases will be ‘adequately suppressed’ (in<br />

the author’s opinion, defi ned as a post-ACTH cortisol within the<br />

laboratory’s normal range for basal cortisol) with this dose, most<br />

require 15 mg/kg/12 h.<br />

Ketoconazole is more effectively absorbed in an acidic environment.<br />

Although the manufacturer recommends dosing with food to<br />

reduce the risk of GIT side effects, unfortunately, this is likely to<br />

reduce bioavailability.<br />

The disadvantages of ketoconazole include its lack of effi cacy in a<br />

high proportion of cases (reportedly ineffective in 25–50% of cases),<br />

the need for constant twice-daily dosing and in many countries its<br />

expense.<br />

Pharmacokinetics<br />

In the dog, oral bioavailability appears to be quite variable,<br />

with one report suggesting a range of 4–89% and<br />

peak serum concentrations in the range 1.1–45.6 µg/<br />

mL. Ketoconazole’s absorption is enhanced in an acidic<br />

environment, however, and absorption may be facilitated<br />

by dosing after fasting. Ketoconazole is approximately<br />

90% protein bound, undergoes extensive hepatic<br />

metabolism and these inactive metabolites are predominantly<br />

excreted in the feces via the bile.<br />

Adverse effects<br />

● Gastrointestinal effects including anorexia, vomiting<br />

and diarrhea are the most common adverse effects of<br />

ketoconazole administration. Although dividing the<br />

dose or dosing with food may reduce anorexia, the<br />

latter may reduce absorption.<br />

● Hepatotoxicity has been reported in both dogs and<br />

cats and may be idiosyncratic or dose related.<br />

● Thrombocytopenia is a rare adverse effect.<br />

● There have been rare reports of changes in hair coat<br />

color in animals.<br />

Known drug interactions<br />

● Antacids, anticholinergics and H 2 -blockers all<br />

increase gastric pH and may inhibit absorption of<br />

ketoconazole.<br />

● Any agent that may produce adrenocorticolysis or<br />

inhibit steroidogenesis is likely to potentiate ketoconazole’s<br />

inhibition of adrenal and gonadal<br />

steroidogenesis.<br />

● In contrast, ketoconazole alters the disposition and<br />

extends the duration of activity of methylprednisolone<br />

and possibly other synthetic glucocorticoids.<br />

● Ketoconazole may increase plasma concentrations of<br />

cisapride (with a resultant increased risk of ventricular<br />

arrhythmias).<br />

● Ketoconazole may increase plasma concentrations of<br />

ciclosporin.<br />

● Ketoconazole may decrease plasma concentrations of<br />

theophylline.<br />

● Phenytoin and ketoconazole modify each other’s<br />

metabolism.<br />

● As ketoconazole is hepatotoxic it should not be<br />

administered with other hepatotoxic agents.<br />

Mitotane<br />

Mechanism of action<br />

Mitotane is the o,p′ isomer of DDD which is structurally<br />

related to chlorophenothane (DDT). By binding to and<br />

destroying mitochondria, mitotane’s active metabolite<br />

exerts a direct cytotoxic effect on the adrenal cortex,<br />

resulting in relatively selective progressive necrosis of<br />

the zona reticularis and fasciculata. Mitotane also interferes<br />

with adrenal steroidogenesis by poorly understood<br />

mechanisms although inhibition of 11β-hydroxylase is<br />

likely to be involved.<br />

Formulations and dose rates<br />

Although there are numerous reports on how mitotane should be<br />

administered to dogs with PDH, many involve small variations around<br />

two basically different strategies. Both protocols involve creating profound<br />

adrenocorticolysis. However, in one the aim is to leave suffi cient<br />

adrenocortical activity for normal day-to-day activities while the<br />

second attempts to achieve complete ‘chemical adrenalectomy’ and<br />

provide long-term glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid supplementation<br />

as required.<br />

Protocol 1<br />

This protocol has two basic parts: a remission-inducing sequence and<br />

a remission-maintaining sequence.<br />

Remission induction: The aim of this part of the treatment<br />

protocol is to create marked adrenocorticolysis resulting in an inability<br />

of the remaining adrenal tissue to mount any response to supraphysiological<br />

doses of ACTH. Additionally, most endocrinologists suggest<br />

an improved clinical response is achieved if both the basal and post-<br />


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