Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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<strong>Clinical</strong> applications<br />

Mibolerone is labeled in the USA for estrus prevention<br />

in bitches. Testosterone derivatives have been promoted<br />

as stimulants of libido, spermatogenesis and infertility,<br />

with no data supporting these claims.<br />

Formulations and dose rates<br />

For estrus postponement, beginning at least 30 d prior to preestrus<br />

in the bitch but not prior to the first estrus<br />

• The dose of mibolerone is weight and breed dependent (0.5–<br />

12 kg, 30 µg/d; 12–23 kg, 60 µg/d; 23–45 kg, 120 µg/d;<br />

>45 kg, 180 µg/d; and German shepherd type-bitch, 180 µg/d<br />

PO)<br />

• Treatment can continue for a maximum of 2 years. However,<br />

the drug is not recommended in bitches that will be mated.<br />

• It has been proposed that mibolerone may be used for the<br />

same purpose in cats but this use is not recommended because<br />

of the narrow therapeutic index.<br />

Pharmacokinetics<br />

Mibolerone is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal<br />

tract, metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine<br />

and feces.<br />

Adverse effects<br />

Mibolerone may induce:<br />

● premature epiphyseal closure<br />

● clitoral enlargement and vaginitis, especially in<br />

immature bitches<br />

● abnormal behavior<br />

● urinary incontinence<br />

● riding behavior<br />

● epiphora<br />

● hepatic changes<br />

● increased renal weight in adults.<br />

Adverse effects usually resolve after discontinuation of<br />

therapy, with the exception of clitoral hypertrophy.<br />

Contraindications and precautions<br />

Mibolerone is contraindicated in:<br />

● dogs with androgen-dependent conditions<br />

● pregnancy (it causes masculinization of female<br />

fetuses)<br />

● lactating bitches<br />

● Bedlington terriers<br />

● dogs with hepatic or renal disease.<br />

Fatalities have been reported in cats treated with doses<br />

as low as 120 µg/d.<br />

Known drug interactions<br />

Mibolerone should not be used concurrently with progestins<br />

or estrogens.<br />

Antiandrogenic drugs<br />



Flutamide is a nonsteroid pure antiandrogen drug that<br />

directly blocks androgenic receptors. It has no adverse<br />

effect on the hypothalamus-pituitary function. It has proved<br />

successful in reducing prostatic hyperplasia without<br />

alteration of semen or libido.<br />

Finasteride is a 4-azasteroid synthetic drug that inhibits<br />

5α-reductase, an enzyme responsible for the metabolism of<br />

testosterone to dihydrotestosterone in the prostate, liver<br />

and skin. Dihydrotestosterone is the primary intracellular<br />

hormone responsible for prostate development and<br />

function.<br />

<strong>Clinical</strong> applications<br />

These drugs are predominantly used for treatment of<br />

prostatic diseases in dogs, including canine benign prostatic<br />

hyperplasia.<br />

Formulations and dose rates<br />

Only fi nasteride will be discussed.<br />

• 1 mg/kg daily PO for 21 weeks. Treated dogs had a marked<br />

decrease in prostate size 5–15 weeks after treatment began.<br />

The prostate size was signifi cantly reduced (30% of the initial<br />

value) and fertility was fully restored after a 20–22 week<br />

recovery period<br />

• Reduced doses of 0.1 mg/kg or 0.5 mg/kg daily PO for<br />

16 weeks have proved to be effective (43% reduction of the<br />

prostatic volume). Finasteride treatment reduced the volume of<br />

the ejaculates without affecting sperm number, sperm defects,<br />

libido or fertility after artifi cial insemination<br />

Pharmacokinetics<br />

Finasteride is absorbed in humans from the gastrointestinal<br />

tract and absorption is unaffected by food. Of<br />

absorbed finasteride, 90% is bound to plasma proteins.<br />

It is metabolized by the liver and excreted in both urine<br />

and feces. The half-life is about 6 h. A single dose of<br />

finasteride in humans causes reduced dihydrotestosterone<br />

for about 24 h.<br />

Adverse effects<br />

● In humans, adverse effects reported are mild, including<br />

decreased libido, reduced volume of ejaculate<br />

and impotence.<br />

● In dogs treated at 1 mg/kg/d PO for 21 weeks, no<br />

long-term effects of the drug were noted. After 5–15<br />

weeks of treatment, sperm concentration increased<br />

and prostatic fluid volume decreased to the point<br />

that ejaculates were no longer collectable, in spite of<br />


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