Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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resistance (e.g. 2000 dyn.s.cm −5 .m 2 ), twice as much<br />

blood will be ejected into the left atrium in systole as is<br />

ejected into the aorta (i.e. 67% of the stroke volume<br />

will be ejected into the left atrium and 33% will be<br />

ejected into the aorta). In dogs with severe CVD more<br />

than 75% of the total left ventricular stroke volume<br />

may go backward into the left atrium.<br />

Resistance to blood flow into the systemic circulation<br />

depends primarily on the cross-sectional area of the<br />

systemic arterioles. Resistance to blood flow through a<br />

defect like a leaky mitral valve depends on the size of<br />

the defect. Defect size is relatively fixed (unless a surgeon<br />

intervenes) in the short term but does progress over time<br />

as the disease progresses. Systemic vascular resistance,<br />

however, is labile and can be manipulated with drugs.<br />

If an arteriolar-dilating drug is administered to a patient<br />

with CVD, the decrease in systemic vascular resistance<br />

(e.g. to 1000 dyn.s.cm −5 .m 2 ) will result in an increase in<br />

forward flow into the aorta and systemic circulation.<br />

This will result in a decrease in backward flow into the<br />

left atrium and so a decrease in left atrial and pulmonary<br />

capillary pressures. In this example, the percentage<br />

of the stroke volume ejected into the left atrium will<br />

decrease from 67% to 50%, which would represent a<br />

large change, but even modest reductions in regurgitation<br />

fraction (5%) would be clinically significant.<br />

Venodilators relax systemic venous smooth muscle,<br />

theoretically redistributing some of the blood volume<br />

into the systemic venous reservoir, decreasing cardiac<br />

blood volume and reducing pulmonary and hepatic congestion.<br />

The net result is reduced ventricular diastolic<br />

pressures, decreased pulmonary and systemic capillary<br />

pressures and diminished edema and ascites formation.<br />

Consequently, venodilators are used in the same situations<br />

as diuretics and sodium-restricted diets.<br />

Vasodilators are also classified according to their<br />

mechanism of action (Table 17.5). ACE inhibitors not<br />

only produce vasodilation, they inhibit the RAAS and<br />

are thus neuroendocrine modulators resulting in less<br />

sodium and water retention.<br />

Therapeutic endpoints<br />

The therapeutic endpoint of vasodilator therapy is<br />

reduction in edema (reduced pulmonary capillary pressure<br />

and venous pressures) for venodilators and<br />

improved forward perfusion (elevation of cardiac<br />

output) for arteriolar dilators in patients with diseases<br />

such as DCM. When regurgitation or left-to-right shunting<br />

is present, arteriolar dilators reduce pulmonary<br />

edema formation and improve forward flow.<br />

While it may not be feasible to measure these parameters<br />

directly, close monitoring of clinical signs and<br />

radiographic appearance of the lungs is realistic. Therapeutic<br />

response is seen as a decrease in cough, return of<br />

normal respiratory rate and effort, improved capillary<br />

refill time and color (sometimes hyperemic), improved<br />

distal extremity perfusion and temperature, improved<br />

attitude and possibly exercise tolerance, resolution of<br />

ascites and radiographic resolution of the pulmonary<br />

edema or pleural effusion. Mean or systolic systemic<br />

arterial blood pressure is usually reduced by 10–<br />

20 mmHg after the administration of a potent arteriolar<br />

dilator. Mean systemic arterial blood pressure should<br />

be maintained above 60 mmHg.<br />

Adverse effects<br />

While vasodilators enable one to achieve better therapeutic<br />

results, with their use comes the potential for<br />

adverse effects. These drugs are often used in critically<br />

ill canine or feline patients or patients with multiple<br />

problems that may be on several medications at the time<br />

of evaluation or during the course of treatment. These<br />

patients, in general, are at greater risk for experiencing<br />

adverse effects from a drug.<br />

Table 17.5 Vasodilator drugs commonly used in veterinary medicine<br />

Vasodilator Type (mechanism) Route Dose<br />

Dogs<br />

Cats<br />

Pimobendan* Balanced (inodilator) PO 0.25-0.3 mg/kg q.12 h<br />

Amlodipine** Arterial (Ca channel blocker) PO 0.01-3 mg/kg PO q.12-24 h (usually 12) 0.625 mg/cat q.24 h<br />

Hydralazine Arterial (↑ PGI 2 ) PO 0.5–3 mg/kg q.12 h 2.5–10 mg/cat q.12 h<br />

Prazosin Balanced (α 1 -blocker) PO 0.5–2 mg/dog q.8–12 h 0.6 cm/cat q.6–8 h<br />

Nitroglycerin Venous (cGMP formation) Cutaneous 0.6 cm per 5 kg q.6–8 h<br />

Nitroprusside Balanced (cGMP formation) IV 1–15 µg/kg/min<br />

Benazepril* Balanced (ACE inhibitor) PO 0.3–0.5 mg/kg q.24 h 0.2-0.7 mg/kg q.24 h<br />

Enalapril* Balanced (ACE inhibitor) PO 0.5 mg/kg q.12–24 h (usually used q.12) 0.5 mg/kg q.12–24 h<br />

* Authors’ preferred agents for HF.<br />

** Authors’ preferred agent for systemic hypertension.<br />


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