Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology - CYF MEDICAL DISTRIBUTION


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Index<br />

A<br />

α-adrenergic receptors 70, 71<br />

α 1 -adrenergic receptors 73<br />

α 2 -adrenoceptors 73<br />

α-adrenoceptor agonists 143<br />

α 1 -adrenoceptor agonists 96–97,<br />

120–124<br />

and ketamine combinations 105<br />

α-adrenoceptor antagonists 73–74,<br />

144<br />

α 1 -adrenoceptor antagonists 471<br />

α 2 -adrenoceptor antagonists 74, 124,<br />

471<br />

Abortifacient 541<br />

Abortion<br />

induction 534, 535, 537, 538, 541,<br />

542<br />

prevention 536<br />

Absorbants 488–489<br />

Absorption<br />

dogs vs cats 47<br />

half-life 2–3<br />

physiological basis of 29–31<br />

ACE inhibitors see Angiotensinconverting<br />

enzyme (ACE)<br />

inhibitors<br />

Acemannan 279<br />

Acepromazine 114–116<br />

Acepromazine (ACP) 114–115, 116,<br />

315<br />

Acetaminophen see Paracetamol<br />

(Acetaminophen)<br />

Acetazolamide 571<br />

Acetonide 263<br />

Acetyl salicylic acid see Aspirin<br />

Acetylcholine (ACh) 60–65<br />

airway diameter regulation<br />

458–459, 462<br />

behavior-modification 127<br />

inactivation 69<br />

nicotinic receptors 9, 66<br />

sedative action 114<br />

vascular action 65<br />

see also Muscarinic receptors;<br />

Nicotinic receptors<br />

Acetylcholinesterase 67<br />

Acetylcysteine 466–467<br />

Acetylpromazine 130–131<br />

N-Acetyltransferase (NAT) 53–54<br />

Aciclovir 9, 568<br />

Actinomycin D 333, 336, 353–354<br />

Activated charcoal 489<br />

Active transport 29<br />

Adenosine 8<br />

Adenosine triphosphate 63<br />

574<br />

S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe) 494<br />

Adrenal cortex<br />

drugs acting on 520–524<br />

physiology 519<br />

Adrenal dysfunction<br />

hyperadrenocorticism 517–524<br />

hypoadrenocorticism 524–527<br />

Adrenaline see Epinephrine<br />

(Adrenaline)<br />

Adrenergic agonists 459–461<br />

see also α-adrenoceptor agonists;<br />

α 2 -adrenoceptor agonists;<br />

β 2 -adrenoceptor agonists<br />

Adrenergic receptors 8, 69–70, 71,<br />

73<br />

Adrenocorticotrophic hormone<br />

(ACTH) 519, 520, 521<br />

Adrenoreceptor agonists 73, 78–81<br />

Adrenoreceptor antagonists 73–74,<br />

81–82<br />

Adriamycin see Doxorubicin<br />

Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) 41–58<br />

augmented (type A) 41, 47–55<br />

bizarre (Type B) 41<br />

chronic (Type C) 41<br />

classification 41–42<br />

delayed (Type D) 41<br />

diagnostic difficulties 43–44<br />

end of treatment (Type E) 42<br />

failure of treatment (Type F) 42<br />

hypersensitivity 55–56<br />

identification 46–47<br />

incidence 42–46<br />

postmarketing surveillance<br />

(pharmacovigilance) 44–46<br />

prescribing principles 25<br />

reporting 44–46, 56–57<br />

Australia 56<br />

Canada 57<br />

New Zealand 57<br />

South Africa 57<br />

UK 57<br />

USA 57<br />

vs adverse events (AEs) 41<br />

see also specific drugs/drug classes<br />

Aerosols, adrenergic agonists 459–460<br />

Age<br />

adverse drug reaction (ADRs) 50<br />

influence on pharmacokinetics 18,<br />

19<br />

Aglepristone (RU534) 537–538<br />

Agonists 6<br />

Albaconazole 193–194, 238<br />

Albendazole 204, 208, 238<br />

Albuterol (salbutamol)<br />

sulfate 460–461<br />

Aldosterone antagonists 418–419<br />

Alfacalcidol 508<br />

Alfentanil 319, 324–325<br />

Alkylating agents 340–348<br />

Allopurinol 236–240<br />

antiprotozoal dosages 239<br />

caution in renal disease 53<br />

drug interactions 240<br />

azathioprine 272<br />

cyclophosphamide 334<br />

theophylline 462<br />

receptors and ligands 9<br />

selective toxicity 201<br />

Allylamines 195<br />

Aloe vera extracts 553–554<br />

Alphaxalone (alphadolone) 96,<br />

101–103<br />

Alprazolam 134–136, 135<br />

Aluminum hydroxide 482–483<br />

Alveolar inhalational anesthesia<br />

85–87<br />

Alveolar ventilation 86<br />

Amfetamines 133–134<br />

Amikacin 173<br />

Aminocridine 237<br />

Aminocyclitols 170–173<br />

Aminoglycosides 9, 77, 151, 155,<br />

170–173<br />

adverse effects 56, 171–172<br />

antiprotozoal 239<br />

cats, sensitivity of 48<br />

caution/avoidance in renal and<br />

hepatic disease 53<br />

interactions 17, 188, 392, 448,<br />

454<br />

mechanism of action 9, 170–171<br />

mechanism of resistance 171<br />

ocular therapy 565<br />

pharmacokinetics 171<br />

therapeutic drug monitoring<br />

(TDM) 37<br />

see also Amikacin, Framycetin,<br />

Gentamicin, Kanamycin,<br />

Neomycin, Paromomycin,<br />

Streptomycin, Tobramycin<br />

Aminopenicillins 155, 162<br />

Aminophylline 461–462<br />

8-Aminoquinolone 237<br />

Amiodarone 384, 427, 438–439<br />

Amitraz 204, 222, 224–225<br />

Amitriptyline 136, 136–138, 137<br />

in pruritis 267<br />

Amlodipine 384, 403, 404–405<br />

emergency glaucoma treatment<br />

571<br />

Amorphous state 12

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