is allah (sw) one or three? - Islam Center

is allah (sw) one or three? - Islam Center

is allah (sw) one or three? - Islam Center


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(٥٦)IS ALLAH (S.W) ONE OR THREE?James An<strong>is</strong> said, “An example of the d<strong>is</strong>tinction of their acts <strong>is</strong>, thatthe Father created the w<strong>or</strong>ld by the Son”. 1Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> a strange meaning, which neither the Old Testament’sprophets n<strong>or</strong> Jesus (PBUH) did ever mention. However, Paul’sEp<strong>is</strong>tles and John’s philosophical Gospel, which derived from thePlatonic and the Gnostic philosophies, mention it. The Gnosticsbelieve that God <strong>is</strong> much hon<strong>or</strong>ed to create by himself; theref<strong>or</strong>e, Heauth<strong>or</strong>ized the W<strong>or</strong>d <strong>or</strong> the angels to act on behalf of Him.Furtherm<strong>or</strong>e, Jesus (PBUH) cannot be the creat<strong>or</strong> of heavens andearth; f<strong>or</strong> he himself <strong>is</strong> a creature. Even though Chr<strong>is</strong>tians claim thathe <strong>is</strong> the first creature, he <strong>is</strong> still a creature, and the creature <strong>is</strong>different from the Creat<strong>or</strong>. “He <strong>is</strong> the image of the inv<strong>is</strong>ible God,the firstb<strong>or</strong>n of all creation (Col. 1/15).M<strong>or</strong>eover, he who could not bring himself back to life after he diedcannot be the creat<strong>or</strong> of heavens and earth <strong>or</strong> even to be the meansof that creation: “Th<strong>is</strong> Jesus God ra<strong>is</strong>ed up.” (Acts 2/32). If Allah(S.W) did not ra<strong>is</strong>e him, he would not be able to r<strong>is</strong>e from the dead.“And you killed the Auth<strong>or</strong> of life, whom God ra<strong>is</strong>ed fromthe dead.” (Acts 3/15), and Paul’s w<strong>or</strong>ds, “God the Father, wh<strong>or</strong>a<strong>is</strong>ed him from the dead.” (Galatians 1/1).Scholars believe that the w<strong>or</strong>d creation in these passages means thecreation of guidance and leading, and not the real creation fromnothing, f<strong>or</strong> that <strong>is</strong> only Allah’s (S.W) w<strong>or</strong>k. The creating, which Jesus(PBUH) perf<strong>or</strong>med, <strong>is</strong> the new kind of creating, the guidancecreating, which David (PBUH) spoke of when he was praying to Allah(S.W), saying, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renewa right spirit within me.” (Psalms 51:10).Paul said the same about those who believe in Jesus (PBUH).“Theref<strong>or</strong>e, if any<strong>one</strong> <strong>is</strong> in Chr<strong>is</strong>t, he <strong>is</strong> a new creation.”(C<strong>or</strong>.2, 5/17)He also said, “F<strong>or</strong> neither circumc<strong>is</strong>ion counts f<strong>or</strong> anything,n<strong>or</strong> uncircumc<strong>is</strong>ion, but a new creation,” (Galatians 6/15)On that bas<strong>is</strong>, James considered the d<strong>is</strong>ciples as the first creations,he said, “Of h<strong>is</strong> own will he brought us f<strong>or</strong>th by the w<strong>or</strong>d oftruth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of h<strong>is</strong>creatures.” (James 1/18), meaning the first guided, who underwent1 - Methodical Theology, Dr. James Anas, pp 178

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