Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret


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it had been hovering there was now a blue-green "football" that flew away at 6:05 A.M. Jeansreported the sighting to the French police.My wife and I investigated this sighting during a research trip through the west <strong>of</strong> France inDecember 1973. Many strange data came to the surface. First we found that this was not the firstsighting. Two months earlier, the young man had seen three yellow spheres in staggered formationover the same beach while driving with his brother-in-law. That sighting took place about 7:00 P.M.,and the spheres appeared to be about twelve to fifteen feet above ground."What was the pattern <strong>of</strong> the lights?" we asked Noel Jean."There was a yellow light, a second one above, a third one to the left above again, and some metalin between.""What was it doing?""The lights came on and <strong>of</strong>f and it followed the car.""And you, what did you do?""We stopped to look at it, and when we got back into the car the lights were turned <strong>of</strong>f on theobject."Since the second sighting the elder man has decided not to go out <strong>of</strong> his house anymore. He nolonger goes fishing. He locks himself in his room when the investigators come to ask him questions.Does he know something he does not want to discuss?We saw no traces on the beach. The gendarmes confirmed to us that the grass in the dunes had notbeen affected. The barbed wire nearby was checked for magnetic effects. The test was negative. Weheard that a local ham radio amateur had noticed at the time <strong>of</strong> the near landing that his recieverwas blocked out for several minutes."It was in the middle <strong>of</strong> the nets," Noel Jean told us."The papers have said that it measured 1.5 by 1.5 meters," we pointed out."That's not true. It was rectangular, about 2.5 by 1.5 meters. It was as big as a stove!""What time did it end?""We got there at 5:30. It disappeared between 5:50 and 6:05.""What happened when the object disappeared?""We went away looking at the rectangular light all the time, and it turned toward the dunes, thencame back on us. It was turned <strong>of</strong>f, and then we saw a small blue-green ball above the spot. It gotsmaller, and after six we couldn't see anything anymore.""How big was the ball?""It was like a soccer ball.""What did you do when you got on the beach and saw the rectangle <strong>of</strong> light?""I started going toward it, but it got brighter and brighter. So my father said, 'Forget it, come back tothis side.'"There is a large radar installation near Cherbourg, at a place called Mauperthuis, located thirty-eightkilometers away from Carteret. The range <strong>of</strong> the antenna is two hundred kilometers. At 6:10 A.M.on that particular morning it picked up an echo in the southwest, moving to the north <strong>of</strong> Cherbourg.An object flying from the direction <strong>of</strong> Carteret toward Great Britain would have followed thiscourse. The same morning something peculiar happened on the coast. The French trawler Archipel,which was close to the rocky shore <strong>of</strong> Urville directly west <strong>of</strong> Cherbourg (on the trajectory theobject must have followed if the radar echo corresponds to the UFO), went <strong>of</strong>f course. In view <strong>of</strong>the frequently observed magnetic perturbations in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> a UFO, it can be hypothesized thatits magnetic navigation system gave erroneous indications. The boat got too close to the coast, hitthe rocks, and sank, fortunately without loss <strong>of</strong> life.The observation <strong>of</strong> the yellow "window" on the beach had lasted no less than five minutes. Whyhad the two fishermen not walked closer to the object to ascertain its nature? There seems to be tworeasons: first, the "window" became brighter as they walked within 150 yards, and this discouragedthem from approaching any closer; and, second, they felt "paralyzed with fear." Whether thisparalysis was an actual physiological inhibition or the result <strong>of</strong> psychological fear – or both – hasnot been ascertained.

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