Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret


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hardly account for the change in the candle lights! Douglas was examined by a doctor, who statedthat the burns had been caused by a radiation similar to ultraviolet (according to Douglas, he hadfelt a burn when exposed to a red beam). When villagers went to the site where the truck was stillparked, they found large footprints, nearly twenty inches long, but they were shortly afterwardwashed away by rain.In late August 1963 near the town <strong>of</strong> Sagrada Familia, Brazil, three boys, Fernando Eustagio,eleven, his brother Ronaldo, nine, and a neighbor named Marcos, went into the Eustagio garden andstarted to draw water from the well. Suddenly they became aware <strong>of</strong> a hovering sphere above thetrees. They could even see four or five rows <strong>of</strong> people inside the sphere. An opening under theshpere became visible, and two light rays shot downward. A slender, ten-foot-tall being came down,as if gliding on the two beams <strong>of</strong> light. He alighted in the garden and walked for twenty feet or so inan odd fashion: his back seemed stiff, his legs were open, and his arms outstretched. He swung hisbody from left to right as if trying to find his balance and then sat down an a rock.The three boys observed that the giant wore a transparent helmet and had in the middle <strong>of</strong> hisforehead what they described as a dark eye. He wore tall boots, each <strong>of</strong> which was equipped with astrange triangular spike, which made a peculiar impression in the s<strong>of</strong>t ground and could be seen forseveral days afterward. His garment was shiny and had inflated as soon as the entity had touchedthe ground. The trousers seemed to be fastened tightly to the boots. He had a peculiar square packon his chest, which emitted flashes <strong>of</strong> light intermittently.Inside the sphere, still hanging motionless above the garden, the three boys could see occupantsbehind control panels "turning knobs and flicking switches." When the giant in the garden made amotion as if to grab one <strong>of</strong> the boys, Fernando picked up a stone – only to find himself unable to doanything with it as the spaceman looked straight into his eyes. The giant then returned to the sphere,still using the light beams as an "elevator" but holding his arms close to his body this time. Theboys were no longer afraid, although they could not account for this change in their feeling. As thesphere left, they were sure the giant spaceman had not come to hurt them, and somehow, in thesame irrational fashion, they knew he would come back again.In Brazil, six years earlier, an incident gained the place in UFO literature it certainly deserves,thanks to an excellent investigation by the late Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Olavo Fontes <strong>of</strong> the National School <strong>of</strong>Medicine in Rio de Janeiro. He interviewed and examined the witness, Antonio Villas-Boas, <strong>of</strong> SaoFrancisco de Sales, Minas Gerais.On the night <strong>of</strong> October 5, 1957, Antonio and his brother went to bed about 11:00 P.M. The nightwas hot, and as he opened the window Antonio saw a silvery light in the corral similar to the spotmade by a powerful searchlight. Later that night, the two brothers observed the light was still there.Then it moved toward the house, sweeping the ro<strong>of</strong> before going away.About 10:00 P.M. on October 14, Antonio was plowing with his tractor when he saw a blindingwhite light at the northern end <strong>of</strong> the field. Every time he tried to approach it, the light moved away.This happened about twenty times, though the light always appeared to wait for him. His secondbrother was watching the scene as Antonio finally gave up. The light simply vanished.The next evening, Antonio was alone at the same spot. The night was cold, clear, and starry. At 1:00A.M. he saw something like a red star, which grew larger and became an egg-like, bright object thathovered above his tractor, then landed s<strong>of</strong>tly. Antonio tried to drive away, but the engine <strong>of</strong> thetractor died. He jumped down and took two steps, but someone caught his arm. After a shortstruggle, four men carried him inside the craft. The beings communicated among themselves inslowly emitted growls, unlike any sound the witness could reproduce, although they were "neitherhigh-pitched nor too low." In spite <strong>of</strong> his resistance, the creatures stripped him, washed his bodywith something like a wet sponge, and took him into another room through a strangely lettered door.It is not my purpose here to record all the details <strong>of</strong> the experience reported by Villas-Boas; theyhave been adequately documented by Fontes and Creighton and later by the Lorenzens, whoprovided a complete reprint <strong>of</strong> the testimony, along with the pr<strong>of</strong>essional opinion <strong>of</strong> Dr. Fontes afterhis medical examination <strong>of</strong> the witness, in their book Flying Saucer Occupants.Antonio remained alone in the room for what seemed a very long time. When he heard a noise at

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